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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

On Saturday, I wrote about the Hollyweird Post Office freak out about the USPS replacing some mailboxes in Oregon.  The conspiracy theory apparently goes that President Trump is trying to "steal" the election by removing—and then replacing—mailboxes in Oregon.  Or something.

The left pretends that it is all about compassion and empathy, that it's pure of heart and overflowing with good intentions and tolerance.  Anyone who watches them in action, though, knows better and is disgusted by them. The latest example is the outpouring of—in the words of one Twitter user—"hate, revenge, wrath and immaturity" at the news that President Trump's younger brother, Robert, passed away.

The Morning Joe Show is panicking. I doubt they believe the polls that Biden is close to double-digits ahead. The usual crazed conspiracy theories and foaming at the mouth have reached a new level.

Monday evening, the Secret Service removed Trump from a press briefing and Trump returned to explain there was an alleged shooter in the vicinity (by the administration building adjacent to the White House) that was shot by the Secret Service. Both the alleged shooter and a Secret Service officer were taken to the hospital, according to local reports.

It's like 2016 all over again in almost every.single.way. but also with riots and a global pandemic (thanks, China). Over the weekend, April Ryan, a political analyst for CNN suggested that if Biden wins, America would be watching a split screen in which Trump would be dragged out of the White House over his refusal to leave.

There are few people who have contributed to the Trump Derangement Syndrome gripping half the nation than Joe Scarborough of MSNBC. Along with this co-host, guests, and other hosts at MSNBC, Scarborough fed the anti-Trump movement an almost four-year diet of paranoia and conspiracy theories.

As we've covered here at LI, antifa violence in Portland, Oregon, and beyond long pre-dates the George Floyd protests that devolved into riots in cities across the country.  Yet the leftstream media would have us believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that the antifa anarchists creating mayhem in Portland are peaceful protesters. We are seeing the most stunningly blatant and deeply bizarre gaslighting by both Portland mayor Ted Wheeler and the media about what has been going on in Portland.