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Tom Steyer Tag

Leftist billionaire Tom Steyer has made no secret of his desire to see President Trump impeached, and he has been putting his billions where his mouth is. His latest ad-buy via his Next Gen PAC goes beyond attacking Trump and demonizes every left-leaning, centrist, and right-leaning American who votes Republican in this country.  Given Democrats' massive, humiliating losses at every level of government, that's a lot of people. The "Mother's Day" ad warns that the GOP is turning kids into misogynist, thieving, Trump-supporting bullies who march for white supremacy.

It's pretty clear that Democrats are more motivated to vote. Much of that is the nature of opposition -- it gets people more excited to be against something than to be for something. That explains the Republican surge in 2010 against Obama, and midterm surges against just about every other president in the past several decades.

Before Trump was sworn in, several so-called 'grassroots organizations' were pushing for his impeachment. The Huffington Post had the whole impeachment gig planned out: impeach Trump now because he's guaranteed to do something wrong at some point. Some of that chatter bubbled up and resulted in the same sentiments being shared publicly by elected officials. Rep. Maxine Waters was so convinced Trump ought to be impeached, she called for an investigation to find evidence enough for impeachment.

California billionaire Tom Steyer has caught the eye of many since he decided to fund an advertising campaign worth $20 million that calls for President Donald Trump's impeachment. Considering how much Democrats hate Trump, you would think those within the party would love this campaign. It turns out it has raised worries as some think it will harm the party more and turn away the independents and even some GOP voters they want to bring over to their side.

The last time I reported on eco-activist billionaire Tom Steyer in 2015, investigators had issued a detailed report that showed extensive behind-the-scenes coordination between Obama's White House staff, aides to as many as 12 governors, and officials at multiple arms of Steyer’s network of political and policy group to push the climate-change agenda. Given President Trump's regulation-gutting and EPA chief Scott Pruitt's rollback of progressive clean-power policies (at no small risk to himself), one can presume that Steyer isn't enjoying the same level of influence that he once had under Obama.

The Washington Free Beacon broke the story revealing the donors of the anti-Trump "resistance." The donation list is revealing on a number of levels.  It shows the extensive, spider-web interconnectivity of a network of leftist radicals and organizations, and it shows how they ensnare major corporations into financially supporting their radical, anti-American aims. The list includes the usual suspects like George Soros and some suspects new to the political activist realm, namely, the NFL players' union who were happy to join Soros in his latest astroturf efforts, manufacturing the appearance of wide-spread anti-Trump "resistance."

Last weekend, I covered the #MarchForScience, an organized series of nationwide demonstrations supposedly in support of funding all science by the American government...but more an excuse for railing against the policies of President Donald Trump. This weekend, there was the "People's Climate March", supposedly in support of funding climate science by the American government...but more an excuse for railing against the policies of President Donald Trump.

The recent batch of Wikileaks email featuring the wit and wisdom of John Podesta may not be as dramatic or entertaining as those featuring pleas to sober Hillary Clinton up after an afternoon drinking session. However, they do reveal what life will be like for climate science skeptics under her regime administration. Take the case of Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr., who is on the faculty of the University of Colorado as a professor in the Environmental Studies Program. He used to write often about global warming issues. While Pielke is no skeptic of man-made warming, he did challenge a cherished climate alarmist talking point that global warming was making extreme weather more severe.

While everyone in the media was talking about the Republican debate yesterday, Obama quietly met with former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg to discuss gun control. Jordan Fabian reported at The Hill:
Obama meets with Bloomberg to talk guns President Obama on Wednesday met with former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an ally of the White House on gun control. The meeting, which was not on the president's public schedule, comes as he is weighing new executive action on guns in response to a series of mass shootings that have marred his presidency. Obama huddled with Bloomberg "as part of the administration's continuing push to address gun violence in America," the White House said in a statement.

Earlier this year, I reported that a Washington D.C. attorney discovered ingrained collusion amongst top level staff in the office of former Oregon governor John Kitzhaber to “spread climate coordination and collaboration to a larger group of governors across the U.S." Investigators have continued to follow the email trail, which has uncovered connections between the EPA regulatory drive and a billionaire, "green jobs" activist:
The White House, statehouses, and nonprofits backed by the billionaire Democrat Tom Steyer worked behind the scenes to create a state-level advocacy network to support controversial new Environmental Protection Agency regulations, newly released emails reveal. Involved in the strategy was a top aide to John Kitzhaber, the former Democratic governor of Oregon, according to emails obtained by the Energy and Environment Legal Institute. Kitzhaber resigned this year in the midst of a scandal involving his fiancée.