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Texas Tag

Rep. Beto O'Rourke is Sen. Ted Cruz's Democrat challenger in the upcoming midterm race. Despite being a Congressman, O'Rourke has poised himself as a D.C. outsider, much like Cruz did in 2012. Contra to Cruz's polished, poised self, O'Rourke is scrappy and irreverent.

Sen. Ted Cruz's Senate re-election campaign is running ads swatting at his Democrat opponent, Rep. Beto O'Rourke, for his stance on Israel. According to Facebook, Cruz's campaign began running the ads Tuesday.

Democrat Senate Candidate Rep. Beto O'Rourke might be a hit among the Lone Star State's recent liberal transplants, but jumping a plane to L.A. for a Hollywood fundraising gig is not a good look. And yet... Monday, Variety reported that Rep. O'Rourke was in L.A. "at the home of actress Nancy Stephens and director-producer Rick Rosenthal for an evening reception."

First Lady Melania Trump has arrived in Texas to visit border facilities. From CNN:
“This was her decision. She told her staff she wanted to go and we made that happen. He (President Trump) is supportive of that, but she told him, ‘I’m heading down to Texas,’” her spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told reporters on the flight to McAllen.

Houston's Mayor Sylvester Turner held a press conference with local community leaders Monday to push back against plans to use a former warehouse located just outside of downtown Houston as an immigrant child holding facility. Turner, "said he is in no rush to issue city permits at the site, and called on the state not to issue a childcare license to the 54,000-square-foot facility," reports the Houston Chronicle.

In Santa Fe, Texas, just southeast of Houston, a community is mourning the loss of 10 innocent lives (at the latest count). At least one gunman opened fire at Sante Fe High School. Two teenage men have been detained:

If you need a case study in campaign desperation, I've got one for you. In the race for Texas' 2nd Congressional District (encompassing much of north and west Houston, Kingwood too), soon to be vacated by the long-serving and retiring Rep. Ted Poe, Rep. Kevin Roberts has gotten downright nasty toward his Republican runoff opponent, former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw.

If you're running for Senate in Texas, coastal celebrity support ain't gonna do jack to get you over the finish line. Nevertheless, Sarah Jessica Parker is the latest celebrity to publicly show support for Rep. Beto O'Rourke, the Democratic candidate running against incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz.

West University Place councilwoman Kellye Burke was charged with disorderly conduct after she yelled obscenities at a Trump shirt wearing teenage girl. It's worth noting that Burke is also a Mom's Demand Action activist. The girl and her friends were waiting in line at a bake shop when Burke yelled, "Grab her by the p**** girls!" and "MAGA!" repeatedly, according the girls.