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President Barack Obama transferred 15 Guantanamo Bay prisoners to the United Arab Emirates, making it the largest transfer in his time in office. He sent 12 Yemenis and three Afghans to the Middle East country, leaving only 61 prisoners in the Cuba base. Gitmo had 242 prisoners when Obama took office in 2009.

Nigerian radical Islamic group Boko Haram has released a video of the Chibok girls they kidnapped in 2014. The video shows one girl begging the government to a "prisoner swap to secure release." One of the jihadists tells the audience that airstrikes killed "some of the 276 girls taken in April 2014" while they married off 40 more "by the decision of Allah."

The so-called Knife or Stabbing Intifada has not been limited to knives or stabbing. There have been shootings, bombings and car-rammings. But one common denominator has been the "lone wolf" attacker -- including women and early teens as young as 13. Lone wolf attacks were actively encouraged throughout anti-Israel social media, and the attackers were treated as heroes.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) stopped a massive suicide attack on Thursday with help from the FBI. ISIS supporter Aaron Driver, 24, died during a confrontation with the police in a small Ontario town:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commander Jennifer Strachan said Driver was intercepted by police as he entered a taxi with a backpack and said Driver detonated an explosive device, injuring himself and the taxi driver, before police shot at him. It was unclear whether Driver died as a result of the shrapnel or a police bullet.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policy of ‘Refugee Welcome' is a gift that keeps on giving. On Wednesday morning, German police carried out series of raids in several cities in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony. The raids were concentrated around the network of three prominent Muslim preachers suspected of working as recruiters and backers for the Islamic State (ISIS). The large-scale police operation comes just a day after German police in North Rhine-Westphalia arrested a man suspected of being a high-ranking member of the Islamic State.

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has proposed a ban on burqas due to the numerous terrorist attacks along with pushing officials "to speed up deportations of rejected asylum applicants and loosen privacy protections." The proposal also states that doctors "would have to inform the authorities if they become suspicious that a patient was planning to harm other people."

German authorities have detained an alleged high-ranking member of the Islamic State in Mutterstadt in Rhineland Palatinate state, located near the French border.

The Belgium government has opened a terrorism investigation into the machete attack on Saturday that injured two female cops in Charleroi. A third cop shot and killed the attacker. The attacker, a 33-year-old Algerian, yelled "Allahu Akbar!" when he attacked the females. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the man.

Will Islamic terrorists launch a major pre-election attack to help elect Donald Trump? That's the scenario Donny Deutsch floated on today's Morning Joe. Deutsch is an ad man/Hamptons playboy. His pronouncements on national security and terrorism might thus be taken with a major grain of salt. But Deutsch was responding to a statement by Wapo's David Ignatius, a serious student of foreign affairs, who said a major attack could be a "game changer" that would aid Trump. Deutsch said if "the terrorists and the radical Islamists want Trump in there. And if the way Trump gets in there is a terrorist attack thus, I get scared." The always-emotive Mika Brzezinski could be heard emitting a major sigh.

Authorities in Washington, D.C., arrested a Metro officer who allegedly attempted to help ISIS with material support. Officials have never arrested a member of law enforcement before for helping the group. Nicholas Young, 36, lived in Fairfax, VA, and met an FBI informant 20 times. He passed on "22 digital gift cards to this person for intended use with mobile messaging accounts that ISIS uses in recruiting."

While President Obama and his administration have spent more than a year assuring everyone that Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) is ‘on the run’, the reality has been doggedly telling us something else altogether. While Obama administration would like us to believe that its strategy -- or rather lack thereof -- has somehow ‘contained’ ISIS, the self-proclaimed Islamic Caliphate has been spreading like an ugly rash, with new terrorist bases and strongholds popping up across the map. NBC has obtained a copy of a classified ‘heat map’ showing the global expansion of ISIS. The document dated August 2016 is reportedly part of the White House briefings prepared by National Counterterrorism Center. According to the report, ISIS now has bases in 18 countries. The map shows branches of ISIS extending wide over Middle East, Africa and Far-East Asia. If the document is to be believed, ISIS now has a bridge head in continental Europe with its base in Russia's North Caucasus.

As a recent immigrant to Germany, it was all the more painful for me to watch 30,000 demonstrators in the city of Cologne -- majority of them second or third generation migrants of Turkish-origin -- marching in support of Erdogan’s takeover of Turkey. Thousands chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they welcomed dignitaries belonging to Erdogan’s Islamist party AKP. For millions like them, more than 50 years of state-sponsored project of Multiculturalism has neither created a bond loyalty to their adopted home nor a sense of value for the liberties and freedoms that one so naturally enjoys in the West.

Last week while all eyes were on the Democratic National Convention, FBI Director James Comey made an alarming prediction about possible new developments with ISIS and terrorism. He suggested that if and when ISIS is crushed in their Middle East strongholds, there will be a terrorist diaspora that will spread terror agents throughout the West. Bloomberg reports:
FBI Chief Warns ‘Terrorist Diaspora’ Will Come to the West Hundreds of terrorists will fan out to infiltrate western Europe and the U.S. to carry out attacks on a wider scale as Islamic State is defeated in Syria, FBI Director James Comey warned.

On July 1, 2016, we covered the murder of Rabbi Michael "Miki" Mark, a father of 10 children, in front of his wife and several of the kids, Palestinian War of Terror – Israeli father of 10 murdered in front of his family: MichaelMark1
A Palestinian shot and murdered Michael “Miki” Mark, an Israeli father of 10, as he drove near Hebron. His wife and two of their children sustained injuries in the attack. From The Jerusalem Post:
In Friday’s incident, the rain of bullets against the vehicle caused it to overturn. Paramedics who arrived at the scene found Mark in the upside down vehicle, while the other passengers had been managed to exit the car. Magen David Adom paramedic Zaki Yahav said that it was a “very difficult” scene. Mark “was trapped inside” with gunshot wounds and other injuries form the accident. He didn’t have a pulse and he wasn’t breathing. “We tried to resuscitate him,” said Zahav, but it was not possible they declared him dead at the scene.

Adel Kermiche, one of the terrorists that slit the throat of Father Jacques Hamel in a small town in northern France, recorded his plans to attack a church on the Telegram app:
"You take a knife, you go to a church, you make a carnage," he said. "You slice two or three heads and it's good. It's over."
Another thing. A "spiritual guide" further radicalized Kermiche in prison in 2015.

A Paris-based publishing house has revised its decision to publish a French version of the German bestseller “Der Islamische Faschismus” (The Islamic Fascism). Written by German-Egyptian author Hamed Abdel-Samad, the book was due to hit the French bookstores in September. Piranha Edition reportedly changed its mind after this month's ISIS-inspired terror attack in Nice that killed 84 people and injured more than 300. If the objective of Islamist violence in Europe had been to force the continent into submission, it is well on its way to achieving them. Piranha Edition justified the decision of not going ahead with the publication by citing the threat of Radical Islam as well its desire of not wanting to strengthen the right-wing French groups critical of Islam. Interestingly, the head office of the Piranha Edition is just within a few minutes of walk from Bataclan, the theatre where 89 people were murdered by Islamic terrorists in November 2016.

Due to recent terrorist attacks, German politicians have now asked Chancellor Angela Merkel to deport over 200,000 migrants who failed to gain asylum. Homeland expert Armin Schuster said:
In his appeal for a speeding up of deportations, Mr Schuster said: “Some could get the impression they could get away with anything because they don’t realise how mildly the state reacts to those breaking the law.”