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Terrorism Tag

In 2018, Al Jazeera asked then-Congressional candidate Ilhan Omar about American fears of jihadist terrorism. She told the network that people should fear white men more than jihadist terrorism. Of course, she's not only racially profiling, she's adding the concept of race as a comparison to jihadist terrorism, which is not a "race." It's just fascinating that we're seeing this for the first time now.

The number of individuals classified as Islamists by Germany's domestic intelligence service has crossed 26,000, German newspapers reported. The threat from Islamic terrorism in Germany "remains at a high level," the spy service disclosed. The Islamic State is "restructuring itself into an underground terrorist group" following its military defeat in the Middle East. The terrorist organization was particularly shifting towards a strategy of hitting soft targets, the intelligence report said.

The British intelligence agency MI5 foiled a significant bomb plot linked to Iran-backed Hezbollah terror outfit, London-based Daily Telegraph disclosed. The British intelligence service and the Metropolitan Police uncovered a secret bomb factory in North West London in the autumn of 2015. They recovered thousands of packets containing ammonium nitrate, an explosive ingredient often used in homemade bombs.

Islamist terrorists could carry out another series of coordinated attacks, this time dressed up as military personnel, warned Sri Lankan security forces following the Easter Sunday's suicide bombings on churches and luxury hotels that killed at least 250 people and injured hundreds. The Sri Lankan government has enforced a new emergency law banning women from wearing a burqa and other types of face covering due to security reasons -- much to the dismay of the local Muslim leaders. "All sorts of face covers that hinders the identification of individuals" have been forbidden, the new presidential order states.

Around 290 people have been killed and 400 injured in a series of suicide bomb attacks in churches and hotels in Sri Lanka, government sources say. Three churches were targeted during the Easter mass, including the landmark St. Anthony's Shrine, an 18th century Catholic Church. This is the first terror attack of this magnitude on Christians in Sri Lanka, a war-torn island nation in the Indian Ocean. Christians form the smallest religious minority in the Buddhist-majority country. A large portion of Sri Lanka's seven percent Christians are Catholic.

Germany's leading Muslim organization has urged the government to appoint a Federal Commissioner to counter anti-Muslim attitudes in the country. "Such a Commissioner is needed more than ever because we have a latent anti-Muslim sentiment in Germany," president of the country's Central Council of Muslims, Aiman Mazyek, said.

Indian intelligence services have warned of Islamist terror attacks on Jewish synagogues and residential apartments in the cities of Delhi, Mumbai and Goa, local media reports say. Indian authorities are taking the threat very seriously by beefing up security around Israeli diplomatic missions, synagogues, and other Jewish institutions.

German police have arrested ten Islamists on suspicion of planning terror attacks. The suspects were plotting car ramming attacks and mass shootings with the aim to "kill as many 'non-believers' as possible," the prosecutors in the city of Frankfurt said.