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riots Tag

Thursday night, the mob brought a guillotine and plopped it in front of the white house, along with an effigy of the president. Attached to the effigy was a paper that read: "Ticket -- Fascist, Rapist, Criminal."

I'm so old, I remember when the media was alllllllllll about the rioting and looting because justice and George Floyd. But now that it's showing up in the polling, the media isn't so sure. Forget about the people who have been killed, the businesses, homes and livelihoods ruined, it's about the polls.

Kenosha, WI is under siege by mobs of violent rioters, looters, vandals, and arsonists. The mainstream media is spinning this as a normal reaction to the police shooting of Jacob Blake, but it's obviously a gang of criminal thugs wreaking havoc and destroying lives and livelihoods because they can.  No matter the impetus, this is not okay.

But I thought everyone would calm down when the federal agents left the federal courthouse in Portland! The latest riot in Portland proves it has everything to do with mayhem and nothing about black lives, systematic racism, or police brutality. Rioters attacked the Multnomah Building, which has offices for the local sheriff, but mostly "houses offices for county departments that provide social services that have no connection to the police."

During an interview on MSNBC, Democrat Rep. and "squad" member Ayanna Pressley suggested the public target GOP officials who are continue to "carry water" for the Trump administration and further suggested "there should be unrest in the streets as long as there's unrest in our lives." Is that not literally incitement?

Protesters and rioters in Seattle are in the news all the time. One group of people in Seattle who get hardly any attention are the people trying to run businesses in the city. They are deeply concerned about the efforts to defund the police. Some of them are even leaving the city.