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Rashida Tlaib Tag

As regular readers doubtlessly know, the 2018 midterm elections presented Americans with a new phenomenon in the form of the congressional "Squad": several avowedly anti-Israel (and often Islamist-allied) first-term U.S. Representatives. Now, as the smoke from #Election2020 begins to dissipate, it seems that (spoiler alert) The Squad's congressional anti-Zionist cabal is about to get a little bigger.

American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)—one of the most radical and controversial anti-Israel groups in the United States —spent this past week training anti-Israel activists to send them into lobbying meetings with members of Congress. Among AMP's partners in this effort were the anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace, UNRWA-USA, and even the NAACP.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared Wednesday a solemn day and even wore black as the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump. She told the Democrats to behave and not celebrate the impeachment. Many Democratic representatives refused to toe the line. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and others had a celebratory dinner the night before. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who screamed "impeach the mother f*cker" after her swearing-in, posted a happy and gleeful video on her way to vote.

In a recent post, I documented how American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) ejected me from its annual conference Thanksgiving weekend because it was afraid I would provide negative coverage. For background on the harassing treatment I received, see Fearing Negative Coverage, ‘American Muslims for Palestine’ Conference Ejects Legal Insurrection Reporter. Now we know why AMP wanted to cleanse the audience of media who could report accurately on what was going on: The AMP conference was an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hatefest, and the keynote speaker was Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib, who has worked with the group on many occasions.

2020 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who is Jewish, received the endorsement of anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) over the weekend. Then on Monday Sanders announced his own "quid pro quo" to Israel. He even said he would use American aid to Israel as "leverage" to force the country to "change their behavior."

Rep. Rashida Tlaib gave a teary-eyed statement about her experiences at Israeli checkpoints. It's unclear of the time frame. First she said it was when she was a young child and visiting her grandmother, and then she mentioned her American mother going through a checkpoint, and her "then husband" being searched after a bus was stopped.

Every now and then Bill Maher hits a left-wing dogma squarely on the head and it's particularly persuasive coming from someone who is on the left. We've covered several such occasions, even if most of the time we disagree with Maher. Maher just did it again with regard to the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, setting off a fury of recrimination from Rep. Rashida Tlaib and other anti-Israel activists.