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Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Manager Supports Rashida Tlaib After She Booed Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Manager Supports Rashida Tlaib After She Booed Hillary Clinton

Faiz Shakir: “Rashida, you’re all good.”

Yesterday, I wrote about Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) booing Hillary Clinton at a campaign event for socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager has now come out in support of Tlaib.

Here’s the original footage of Tlaib’s comments and booing:

And here’s Bernie’s campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, telling her don’t go changin’:


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Hillary just changed the DNC rules to allow Bloomberg into the debates..

Michael Moore is going bananas about the corrupt dealing within the DNC..

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Taxpayer. | February 2, 2020 at 5:29 pm

    Moore should learn from this and give up on the Democratic party. Moore, please do not to try and join those of us who were smart enough to ditch the party and vote for Trump. We have a good thing going and would hate to have you pollute our efforts with your insufferable, obnoxious personality.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Taxpayer. | February 3, 2020 at 5:40 pm

    An inquiring public wants to know:

    “Is Moore the dumbest thing on the planet?”

Well… there goes that whole Hillary and Bernie BFF thang.

I wonder if Tlaib has a cat. If she does, she won’t in a few days!

This division looks more bitter than 2016. I haven’t seen this much hate since the segregation wars.

So when do we hear about Iowa results?

Hell, I’d support her for booing Hillary. It’s the other 99.999999% of her that I can’t stand.

bernie sure knows how to pick the America haters. Unerringly. Every time.

Born in 1979 to parents who were Pakistani Muslim immigrants to the United States, Faiz Shakir grew up in Florida. In 2002 he earned a bachelor’s degree in government at Harvard University, where he was a member of the Harvard Islamic Society (HIS). In 2000, Shakir served as a co-chair for HIS’s Islamic Awareness Week events, one of which was a fundraiser for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development,

a group that acted as the fundraising arm for Hamas in the United States.
In 2005 he also helped launch CAP’s ThinkProgress blog, where he was editor-in-chief from 2007-12. During his tenure at ThinkProgress,

Shakir repeatedly denounced Israel while endorsing the flotillas that sought to deliver aid to the Hamas-governed Gaza Strip.
In January 2017 Shakir joined the American Civil Liberties Union as its political director, a post he continues to hold.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 3, 2020 at 6:45 pm

Shame on you Rashida, after Hillary used her best bed-side manner on you.