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Progressives Tag

In 2018, Al Jazeera asked then-Congressional candidate Ilhan Omar about American fears of jihadist terrorism. She told the network that people should fear white men more than jihadist terrorism. Of course, she's not only racially profiling, she's adding the concept of race as a comparison to jihadist terrorism, which is not a "race." It's just fascinating that we're seeing this for the first time now.

The progressive push for higher minimum wage laws has had perfectly predictable results: lower-income people are most harmed, businesses switch to robots, businesses shutter, or as in the case of west coast Restaurants Unlimited, Inc., they simply file for bankruptcy. The chain closed six restaurants prior to filing.

We have followed the public health crisis is Los Angeles closely, as the homeless population explosion has led to conditions ripe for an outbreak of the disease typhus. The area's NBC4 Investigative Team has also covered the story, and assert that the city wastes tens of millions of dollars per year in clean-up efforts because LA's homeless encampments quickly repopulate once cleaning ends.

Australia’s ruling conservative coalition has scored a stunning upset victory in the country’s general election, defying polls that were predicting an easy progressive win. The Labor Party was focused on climate change and raising taxes, and it appears there were a lot of "quiet Scott voters" who weren't interested in what they were selling.