Polling | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 5
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In the race for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz is making gains on Democrat John Fetterman, according to new polling. A few months ago, it looked like Fetterman had this race wrapped up, but he has been dogged by issues surrounding his health and record.

The ABC/WaPo poll released today is particularly gruesome for Democrats. Biden's "red" speech also was a wake up call and motivator. Maybe the only success of the speech was to awaken sleeping Republican voters....

As the November midterms approach and Democrats waste America's time with January 6th theater, average Americans have other concerns. It turns out that issues like the economy, inflation, and crime matter far more to most people. In even worse news for Democrats, new polling indicates that most voters have more trust for Republicans on these issues.

A new Trafalgar poll finds that a majority of Americans believes the Biden administration is letting gas prices rise intentionally in order to get the country off of fossil fuels and on to green alternatives. Perhaps people believe this because members of the Biden administration keep coming right out and saying that we are "transitioning" off of oil and gas.