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Media Appearance Tag

The great thing about having your own blog is that you get to quote yourself. The title is a quote from my interview this morning with Lee Rayburn of WHCU 870 AM in Ithaca. ...

Two big things have happened this week (so far). First, yesterday the 200,000th comment was posted at Legal Insurrection: 200,000 comments is not a lot for many websites which use third party platforms like Disqus.  We have considered many times, and ultimately rejected, the third-party platforms in...

Last Monday I appeared as a guest of The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization to give a talk at my alma mater, Hamilton College. AHI is not affiliated with Hamilton. To the contrary, as discussed here before, Hamilton would not allow AHI...

I appeared last night on African-American Conservatives Blog Talk Radio. Before me was Allen West. If you want to jump ahead, my segment starts at the 30 minute mark (it's easier to scroll forward if you go to the AACONS page which has a larger embedded audio...

when I wonder if all hope is lost, I listen to some of my recent radio interviews and wonder ...

I'm interviewed in The Washington Times Communities section, with a fairly nice description and graphic: Since it went online during late 2008, Legal Insurrection has established  itself as a unique legal blog. With a focus on current events, and analyzation  of these from a distinctively center-right...

Advocates of gun control and liberal pundits generally disparaged the notion that David Gregory even possibly was subjected to criminal prosecution for violation of the D.C. gun law by possessing a high-capacity ammunition magazine on television. The non-prosecution was declared the only reasonable conclusion, and those of us...

I was a guest last Tuesday night on African American Conservatives Blog Talk Radio.  (Prior appearances here and here.) We talked about this year's ups and downs, Tims Scott, Plans B and C, and a variety of other topics. ...

I was on two radio shows yesterday, the Michael Graham Show and Howie Carr Show in Boston, talking about Elizabeth Warren. I addressed some of the misconceptions and misunderstandings, as well as some of the incorrect defenses being raised (more on that later). Here are the...

Obama attended an anti-Israel conference with Rashid Khalidi.  The L.A. Times will not release the video. Obama was caught on an open mic calling federal employees "slugs."  CBS News will not release the tape. Obama was caught on an open mic promising the Russians to be more flexible if re-elected, and CBS...

Well, 39 minutes and 49 seconds to be precise, once you take out the news breaks and commercials. I was a guest Tuesday night on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030, the Boston superstation that covers all of New England: A group of concerned Native American...

I was tipped off about this by readers and on Twitter. Thanks to our friends at The Right Scoop for grabbing the clip for us. While it's nice to receive recognition, we didn't, um, you know, build that National Empty Chair Day on our own. Obama built it. ...

I was a guest Tuesday night on African-American Conservatives blog talk radio. Topics included the Ryan selection and a lot of other election related topics.  It was one-half hour of pure ...

Carol Liebau invited me to join her on the Hugh Hewitt Show yesterday as she debuts a new format for a show by and about women. I was delighted to join her as I think conservative women don't have that "home on the radio" yet. We...

I was interviewed for the Roderick Dean Show. We covered a variety of subjects, including Geroge Zimmerman, some background about me, and Legal Insurrection in general. I also answer the mystery surrounding what is a "clinical law professor." Listen to internet radio with Roderic Deane on Blog...

I was guest on Todd Feinburg of Boston's WRKO radio show this morning. I spoke about my experience covering Elizabeth Warren at the Netroots conference this past weekend. Listen to my segment below, or click here to access it on their website. &#a0; ...

On March 28, 2012, I was a guest of Mark Carbonaro Show on KION 1460 AM in Salinas, CA, talking about the Supreme Court oral arguments in the Obamacare litigation. Total time was about 25 minutes, the audio is broken down into two parts. ...