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Legal Insurrection Foundation Tag

I’ve written for years about the loss of institutions, how almost everything has been captured and weaponized. A main focus at Legal Insurrection has been to publicize and chronicle this collapse. If you don’t see the problem, you can’t protect yourself and those around you. DONATE

It's been awhile since I've made any introductions, and now seems as good a time as any. You may have seen their names on the blog, but I'd like to formally introduce you to three of our newest Legal Insurrection Foundation teammates. These rockstars cover a variety of issues, all different, and have joined us over the course of the past few months.

My name is Kemberlee Kaye. I'm the Director of Operations and Editorial Development at the Legal Insurrection Foundation. I’m reaching out to you because recent events have raised the alarm as to the destruction of our educational system, and worse, the destruction of childhood innocence.

If you receive our emails, you might have noticed that we've moved platforms. Since we launched the Legal Insurrection Foundation almost three years ago, our email and other online functions were housed with Salsa Labs. But, due to annoying circumstances beyond our control, we were thrust into the opportunity to learn an entirely new system!