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The latest ad from the Republican Party for President Donald Trump attacked the mainstream media for all of a sudden not reporting or downplaying Hunter Biden's scandals. Trump also released three ads attacking Joe Biden for selling out America "to make his family rich."

Saying the United States should transition away from fossil fuels is a popular idea on the left. It's not workable in real life, however. Millions of people depend on fossil fuels not only to heat and light their homes, but for their jobs. During the final debate last night, Joe Biden said the United States should transition away from the oil industry. This was red meat for his base and the Bernie Sanders wing of the party, but it won't play with millions of voters who live in the real world.

Text messages from a banged-up Blackberry revealed conversations between Hunter Biden and his associates about the "lucrative" deals they pursued. One text message from Hunter confirmed the Chinese were coming to America not only to be his partner but to be partners with the Biden family. Tony Bobulinski, who confirmed the previously released emails, told another associate not to "mention Joe being involved."

Fox News reported that the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden has a link to an FBI money laundering probe:
The FBI’s subpoena of a laptop and hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden came in connection with a money laundering investigation in late 2019, according to documents obtained by Fox News and verified by multiple federal law enforcement officials who reviewed them.

You may have been thinking all the insanity we've been living through for months will finally end with the election, but it's not likely. Far left groups are lining up a host of activities to keep themselves busy in the event of a Biden loss. According to the left, our choices include a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" if Biden wins, or massive unrest if Trump wins.

In addition to being known as the U.S. Senate nominee who conducted an extramarital affair out of the home he shares with his wife and two teenage kids, Democrat Cal Cunningham now also has the distinction of being the ball and chain who his state's governor assured his party's presidential nominee they would drag across the finish line.