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Israel Tag

After Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rivals dragged Israelis through four general elections in two years, the final result of the March 23 vote has ended in yet another deadlock. As the Israeli election authority releases the final tally, Netanyahu appears to have fallen short of the 61-seat majority needed to form the government.

The saga continues: California's Department of Education has released yet another iteration of its neo-Marxist-inspired, Critical Theory-based Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum for public schools. Even after five years of work (and who knows how much money) the latest (fourth!) version of the ESMC—to be voted on next week—has managed, somehow, to be worse than the last.

The Israeli government has confirmed Iranian involvement in the massive oil spill that hit its coast last month. "Now we see Iran is not just terrorizing [Israel] with [attempts at attaining] nuclear weapons and entrenching itself in our region, but also by harming the environment," Israel's Environment Minister Gila Gamliel said on Wednesday.

A recent report published by the Israel-based Alma Research and Education Center revealed the Iran-backed Hezbollah is erecting more missile launch sites in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

The missiles aimed at Israel are located in the city's crowded neighborhoods, a tactic to deter the Israeli military from targeting the sites in case of an armed conflict.

The California public school and university systems have seen their fair share of controversy—from outrage at the Islamist Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) involvement in a San Diego "anti-bullying" program to blowback against the Burbank Unified School District's practice of temporarily discontinuing the teaching of classic books. Now, the state's Department of Education is back in the hot-seat as its much-reviled "Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) " has once again made headlines for its reliance on the neo-Marxist (so-called) academic discipline known as "Critical Ethnic Studies."

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has ruled that it has the jurisdiction to investigate Israel for alleged war crimes. The court's ruling on Friday paves the way for the ICC prosecutors to open a probe against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for their defensive military actions against Gaza-based Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups.

A major Iranian terror attack on the U.S., Israeli, and Emirati embassies in an East African nation has been foiled,  Israel media reports say. The authorities in an unnamed African country have arrested several Iranian agents involved in scouting diplomatic missions for a terrorist attack, the Israeli public broadcaster Kan disclosed on Monday.

The Northeastern University branch of Students for Justice In Palestine recently held an event glorifying the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Marxist-Leninist organization designated by the U.S. goverment as a foreign terrorist group. The PFLP committed some of the most infamous and deadly attacks targeting Israel and Jews. As described below, after a backlash SJP doubled down..