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Hillary Clinton Tag

Mika Brzezinski used an unfortunate metaphor on today's Morning Joe to describe Hillary and Trump's different approaches to preparing for Monday's first presidential debate. Said Mika: "you think of like the two law students preparing for the bar. The guy is polishing his car to calm down. And the girl is studying up to the last minute." Mika is apparently unaware that Hillary flunked the DC bar exam after graduating from Yale law school in 1973. 67% of the people taking the exam at the same time passed, putting Hillary in the bottom third. Maybe instead of studying, she was too busy . . . polishing Bill's car.

Hillary is having trouble shoring up the millennial vote. In what appears to be an effort to reach a younger demographic, Hillary joined Zach Galifinakis on 'Between Two Ferns', an interview short published on the website Funny or Die. 'Between Two Ferns' interviews tend to be deadpan and self-deprecating, but this was just... bad. Bad for Hillary anyway.

In an odd video conference with the Laborers' International Union of North America, Hillary hollered about the evils of Right to Work laws. "Now having said all this, why aren't I fifty points ahead? you might ask," Hillary suggested. Gee. We just can't imagine why her...

The House Oversight Committee has demanded that Reddit preserve deleted posts that an IT technician may have written about Hillary Clinton emails. Earlier this week, Reddit users found an archived post that shows someone asking how to "strip out a VIP's" email address from the to/from fields. No one has confirmed the username "stonetear" belongs to Platte Rivers Network employee Paul Combetta, but people have found connections between his name and the username.

The House Oversight Committee has voted to hold former State Department IT aide Bryan Pogliano after he didn't show up for a hearing last week despite being subpoenaed. Pagliano set up Hillary Clinton's private email server when she served as Secretary of State:
“Subpoenas are not optional,” Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said Thursday. “Mr. Pagliano is a crucial fact witness in this committee’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to conduct government business.”

This Insurrectionist regularly monitors Chris Matthews' Hardball show. And while there's little doubt that come November 8th Matthews will pull the lever for Hillary, he has given Donald Trump a fairer shake than other MSNBC hosts. I chalk it up to Matthews' regular-guy upbringing. Factoid: Matthews did a short stint as a Capitol Hill police officer. A striking example of Matthews' relative fairness came tonight. After airing a clip of Trump criticizing the police shooting of an African-American man in Tulsa, OK, Matthews repeatedly pressed Hillary surrogate Stephanie Schriock, the president of the pro-abortion rights EMILY's List, to agree that Trump was "right in saying that." She clumsily dodged and weaved, but under persistent questioning by Matthews, Schriock eventually conceded "yes, I think so." Said a satisfied Matthews: "that's all I'm asking."

Avengers writer Joss Whedon gathered a few of his celebrity friends to launch "Save the Day" as a way to encourage people to show up at the polls come Election Day. None of the actors specifically mention Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, but it's hard not to see how the video is meant to encourage voting for anyone other than Hillary.

A new ad from the NRA reminds voters that Hillary wants to enact stricter gun control laws which could leave innocent people defenseless. They're also planning to run the ad in five key swing states. Politico reports:
NRA warns voters that Clinton will leave them unprotected The National Rifle Association’s new spot is aimed at people who are already afraid, and hammers Hillary Clinton for wanting to leave them defenseless.

House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) has demanded an interview with employees of the IT firm that handled Hillary Clinton's private email server. The demand comes after images of one employee on Reddit asking for advice on how to modify emails. Platte River Networks employees Paul Combetta and Bill Thornton "pleaded the Fifth Amendment when subpoenaed to testify about the server before the House Oversight Committee."

Late last year, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was snubbed by President Obama during his visit to New York City for the United Nations General Assembly’s 70th meeting. Now, al-Sisi is gearing up to meet the two top challengers in the race to be the next Oval Office occupant.
An adviser to U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign said on Sunday that Trump will meet with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Monday during the United Nations General Assembly, just as Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, is also scheduled to do.

Legal Insurrection readers who are also Rush Limbaugh fans know that one of El Rushbo's pet peeves is the way liberals have tried to co-opt the term "our values" into their political lexicon. There was a perfect—if annoying—illustration of the phenomenon on today's With All Due Respect. In clips of Hillary and President Obama, and during a live interview of Obama spokesman Josh Earnest, discussing the latest terrorist bombings in NYC and New Jersey, the v-word was bandied about no fewer than six times. View the video for the nails-on-blackboard montage!

Remember when millennial voters were going to help propel Hillary Clinton to near certain victory? I was skeptical long ago. In early April 2015 (that's 15 not 16, mind you), I wrote, Job One: Teach millennials about the real Hillary:
When discussing Hillary Clinton’s email and server scandal, I dismissed arguments that the scandal in and of itself would sink Hillary’s impending campaign. There are far too many powerful people invested in Hillary for President to let mere paranoid and obsessive control coupled with destruction of evidence stop Hillary. In fact, to Hillary’s core supporters, paranoid and obsessive control coupled with destruction of evidence is a feature, not a bug. Rather, I argued that the damage from Emailgate (or is it Servergate or Deletegate?) was in shaping Hillary’s image for voters who never knew the Hillary older voters know:
While it’s way too early to assess the overall damage to Hillary Incorporated from the email, now document destruction, scandal, is does appear to be hurting Team Billary in ways that are hard to change: Public perception of a politician.

At last night's Congressional Black Caucus gala, Obama gave a speech in which he urged the black community to vote for Clinton in order to preserve his legacy and all the "progress we've made." The Hill reports:
President Obama called on the black community to show Hillary Clinton the same support it did for him in an impassioned speech at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation gala Saturday night. “We have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the African-American community. I will consider it a personal insult and an insult to my legacy if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election," he said. "You want to give me a good send-off? Go vote."

"If you care about our legacy, realize everything we stand for is at stake. All the progress we’ve made is at stake in this election.

Talk about low-energy . . . Hillary Clinton sleepwalked through her reaction to news of the NYC bombing of last night. View the video and catch the somnambulistic former Secretary of State speaking, without conviction, in a dull monotone. Compare and contrast with Donald Trump's muscular reaction to the same news, in which he said America needed to get "very tough." Neither candidate had all the details, and leaders should not of course overreact in such situations. Even so, in tough times we want a president to project strength and determination. Trump passed that test. Hillary needs to go back to sleep.

In a "Tonight Show" appearance scheduled to air Monday night, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was greeted by a medical mask-wearing Jimmy Fallon. .@jimmyfallon put on a medical mask to start his interview with Hillary Clinton today. — Dan Merica (@danmericaCNN) September 16, 2016 Well played, Mr....

Yep, according to the Washington Post's fashion critic. But beyond cut and color, designers are obsessing about strong and powerful women who are independent and enduring — perhaps even a bit scandalous. There has been talk of O’Keeffe, Germaine Greer, Gloria Steinem, influential mothers and grandmothers...

Hillary Clinton backer David Brock of Media Matters is desperate for a new line of attack on Donald Trump and is willing to pay cash to anyone who can help him find it. This doesn't look desperate at all, does it? The Washington Free Beacon reported:
David Brock Offers Money for New Dirt on Donald Trump Hillary Clinton ally David Brock is offering to pay for new information on Donald Trump, hoping that damaging audio or video on the Republican presidential candidate will be submitted to his super PAC.