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On CNN this morning, political analyst David Gregory was discussing the lengthy interview that President Trump granted yesterday to three reporters from the New York Times, including Maggie Haberman. Said Gregory:

"It's striking that the president who spends so much time trying to discredit the news media to convince his supporters simply not to believe outlets like the New York Times, in the end cannot quit Maggie Haberman and that's just the bottom line. Because he wants legitimacy and he knows you have to go to Maggie and her colleagues who are really the journalists of record on this Trump presidency."

The Democratic Party is not only in disarray, but they seem to have no idea what to do to correct course. So far, the progressive wing seems to agree that it's best to push all the way left: to run on single-payer and "free" college, to establish a pro-abortion purity test, to curse at every public speaking opportunity, and to engage in unseemly and increasingly violent "resistance" efforts that insult the millions of Americans who voted for President Trump.

When Donald Trump won the election last fall, many people wondered if Obama would be as courteous as his predecessor George W. Bush. Would Obama be able to fade into the background and stay out of policy debates? Now we know the answer is no. The spotlight is simply too alluring for Obama, who revels in attention. He is even mirroring Trump's actions in some ways.

The Russia narrative is pretty much dead in the water. So now Democrats, who have never accepted Trump's victory in the 2016 election, are trying a new strategy to remove him from office by questioning his mental health.

With Europe under permanent siege, a fact that Monday night’s deadly terrorist attack in the British city of Manchester again painfully drove home, leftist agitators are hoping to gather in their thousands in the Belgian capital of Brussels to "protest" President Donald Trump's visit. "Tens of thousands" are expected at the anti-Trump march in Brussels on Wednesday, British newspaper Guardian wrote. Brussels-based ringleaders of the anti-Trump protests were mad at President Trump for “excluding people”, “denying global warming,” and “intimidating the media.” On their website the organisers urged that they "would like to see pussy hats in all shapes and colours to show our resistance against Trump." Among Far-Left political parties and unions, the UK-based charity Oxfam and the 'environmental' group Greenpeace have been listed as the sponsors of the protest.

Joe Scarborough likes to make himself out to be a simple country lawyer. But on today's Morning Joe, he ran afoul of a cardinal lawyering rule: never ask a witness a question to which you don't know the answer. Scarborough laid out a lengthy timeline for the purpose of teeing up law professor Jonathan Turley to agree with Joe's conclusion that there was a prosecutable, federal case of obstruction of justice against President Trump. But Turley hit Joe between the eyes with his response:

"This isn't going to be real popular, but I don't think so . . . The fact is, I don't think this makes out an obstruction case."

The media seems to "jump the shark" on Trump at least once a week. The newest example comes from CNN which wants you to know President Trump gets two scoops of ice cream while other people get only one. This is a real report from CNN:
Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 -- and other top lines from his Time interview President Donald Trump is living every child's dream: More ice cream. According to an extensive interview with TIME Magazine, Trump's White House staff has settled into Trump's routine and know his desires, sometimes before he does.

It seems like just yesterday that "the resistance" was sure that Trump is the second coming of Hitler. With the firing of James Comey however, Trump has been transformed overnight into Richard Nixon. In the past 24 hours, countless hot takes have been written about this. Here are a few examples. Scott Lehigh writes at the Boston Globe:
Donald Trump pulls a Richard Nixon Donald Trump has just pulled a Richard Nixon. He’s fired FBI Director James Comey, a man who is leading a criminal investigation into possible collusion between Trump’s campaign circle and Russian operatives, just the way Richard Nixon fired Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox when his probe was getting too close.

Donald Trump and First Lady Melania are set to visit Israel with Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner later this month as part of a three stop tour of the Middle East. A massive effort for increased security is already underway in Israel. The Times of Israel reports:
Frenetic preparations underway for Trump’s Israel visit A delegation from the White House and Central Intelligence Agency is heading to Israel to plan US President Donald Trump’s visit to Israel amid reports it plans to turn Jerusalem’s iconic King David hotel into a virtual fortress.

President Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey. From The Washington Post:
“The president has accepted the recommendation of the Attorney General and the deputy Attorney General regarding the dismissal of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” Spicer told reporters in the briefing room, according to a pool report.

In today's episode of "Democrats can't be blamed for anything" the lead role will be played by Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, who famously credited the stupidity of the American voter for the law's passage. While appearing on FOX News Sunday, Gruber argued that the collapse of Obamacare must be blamed on none other than President Trump. Chuck Ross reports at the Daily Caller:
Jonathan Gruber Blames Obamacare Failures On Donald Trump [VIDEO] Gruber, an MIT economics professor who is considered one of the architects of Obamacare, made the bold claim during an interview with Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.”

President Donald Trump appeared to rebuke Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at least three times in their joint statement on Wednesday. First, at the beginning of his remarks, Trump recalled the Oslo Accords:
Almost 24 years ago, it was on these grounds that President Abbas stood with a courageous peacemaker, then-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Here at the White House, President Abbas signed a Declaration of Principles -- very important -- which laid the foundation for peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.

A couple of days ago, a fire was set in the women's restroom on the pool deck of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas and an second fire was dealt with in the hallway of its 17th floor. The hotel's toasters were used to set the blaze.
Upon investigating, officials discovered four toasters—two on each floor— that were allegedly placed there to ignite fires.