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President Donald Trump will sign the tax bill before he leaves for his Christmas vacation. At the last minute, Trump allowed in pool reporters. Trump will also sign the continuing resolution that will keep the government afloat through January 19.

While Arab and Muslim leaders were calling for blood on the streets with 'new Intifada' and 'days of rage', and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other EU leaders were lining up to join the chorus to condemn President Donald Trump for daring to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, leading Indian politicians such as Prime Minister Narendra Modi's nationalist BJP party called the government follow US President's example and move the country's embassy to Jerusalem.

This weekend, Obama proved once again that he is incapable of affording his successor the same courtesy shown by his predecessor. While speaking in Paris, Obama cited a lack of American leadership on climate change.

I'm a Yuge fan of the Talking Heads. Back in the day, when I did triathlons, I used to train to the Talking Heads live Stop Making Sense concert on my iPod. I've also run the Talking Heads as Video of the Day, the last time in September 2014 (which reminds me to re-up them early next year). One of their (many) best songs is Once in a Lifetime:

A White House official has said that President Donald Trump will not campaign for Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused by numerous women of sexual assault when they were teenagers and he was in his 30s.

Earlier this week, Professor Jacobson noted that Hillary Clinton still very much wants to be president and thinks she was robbed last November.  There is little doubt this is true.  However, between her ridiculous book What Happened and bizarre pretense that allegations against her husband for sexual indiscretion, including rape, never happened, she highlights, even doubles down on, some of the main problems of her failed presidential campaign.

President Donald Trump finds the allegations of sexual assault and harassment against Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore "troubling," but thinks that the people of Alabama should decide their next senator. From USA Today:
"Look, the president believes these allegations are very troubling and should be taken seriously, and he believes the people of Alabama should make the decision on who their senator should be," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday.

After Trump's shocking victory in the 2016 presidential election, liberal students on college campuses lost their collective minds. In many cases, so did members of the faculty and administration. Let's take a walk down memory lane and examine some of the best examples.

A year ago today, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, winning a tax payer-funded extended trip to the White House. As we do on such occasions, our authors have shared their thoughts and analysis on Trump's first year. For some, today is a celebration of Trump's victory. For others, it marks a most delicious moment in American political history -- the day the Clintons were nationally rejected, embarrassed, and sent packing.

While President Donald Trump and our state's politicians seemingly have called a temporary truce during California's historic wildfire emergencies, I thought this might be a golden opportunity to review a wonderful, new book: California's War Against Donald Trump. The books authors are James V. Lacy (a frequent guest on Fox Business News Channel’s “Varney & Company,” who served as a General Counsel in the Reagan administration) and Katy Grimes, a longtime investigative political journalist and analyst form Sacramento who often contributes additional California reports for Legal Insurrection (because I cannot possibly cover all the insanity by myself).

Our "foreign" correspondent in California, Leslie Eastman, has made a blog career of documenting the tarnishing of the Golden State by insane legislative and regulatory policies, most of which are rubber-stamped by Governor Jerry Brown. But this week there were two astounding moments of sanity from the Governor.

How bad are California's 2017 wildfires? The devastation is so bad that President Donald Trump and state politicians seemed to have called a temporary truce on their legal battling.
President Donald Trump says the federal government will be there for the people of California as devastating wildfires sweep across the state's famed wine country.