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Donald Trump Tag

On Monday, President Donald Trump told Scott Thuman of the Sinclair Broadcast Group that out of everything that has happened in his first two years in office, he regrets his tone. From WJLA:
Trump said if there was anything he would try and redo it would be to soften his tone.
"I would like to have a much softer tone. I feel to a certain extent I have no choice, but maybe I do," Trump said. He attributed his tone during his first two years in office to wanting to get things done on his agenda, adding that he could have been softer in his delivery.

The media went wild and claimed that the city of Pittsburgh didn't want President Donald Trump and his family to visit and pay respects to those massacred 11 people on Sunday. Video inside the hospital has a different story. It shows the staff warmly greeting Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Ivanka, and Jared Kushner. To disappointment of the media even more, Tree of Life Rabbi Jeffrey Myers only had nice things to say about Trump.

Following the horrific massacre of eleven Jews at a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday, liberal commentators have not only blamed President Donald Trump for the climate in which the massacre took place, but also Trump's Jewish supporters. One of those commentators was Aaron David Miller, famous for being a Middle East peace processor in the 1980s and 90s.

Stephanie Clifford, better known as Stormy Daniels, sued Donald Trump for defamation over Trump's assertion that Daniels' lied about supposed threats against her. She is represented in the case by Democrat presidential hopeful Michael Avenatti. Those alleged threats were covered by us on April 17, 2018, Internet Works Feverishly to Identify Sketch of Stormy Daniel’s Alleged Threatener After Her Attorney Posts Reward Offer:

We covered a bit of the meeting between President Donald Trump and rapper Kanye West at the Oval Office, as they were surrounded by press. Our initial report focused on West's experience with the MAGA hat. But the meeting contained so much more that could be consequential. West used the highly public venue to preach the value of Trump's "Make America Great Again" approach, excoriate the Democrats, and persuade the president to reconsider implementing "stop and frisk" in Chicago.

Some of Trump's harshest critics have been people on the right who identify as "Never-Trump" conservatives. But his record on the economy, judicial appointments and foreign policy is starting to change the minds of some. And Trump's steadfast defense of Brett Kavanaugh sealed the deal.

Earlier this morning, Axios has reported that "Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge." Other reports indicate that Rosenstein is headed to the White House and "expecting to be fired" and he will not resign. Now it has emerged that Rosenstein will meet with President Donald Trump on Thursday.

Here's what we know because we've been repeatedly told: One, if the Democrats take one or both Houses of Congress, President Trump will be, at best, more lame than the lamest lame duck in the history of our nation as he complies with a zillion Congressional inquiries and demands and fights impeachment (should the Dems win the House); two, the leftist dream, of course, is that President Trump be removed from office (should the Dems win the Senate); and/or three, he will be impeached and removed from office if Democrats take both the House and the Senate. This isn't rocket science or tea leaves, it's what they've clearly and constantly said since President Trump trounced twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton back in 2016.

Last Thursday, Lanny Davis, the lawyer for President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that Cohen was present at a meeting where Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. discussed the Trump Tower meeting. A few hours later, Davis contradicted himself while talking to Anderson Cooper and insisted that Cohen doesn't have information that Trump knew about the meeting before or after it happened. Davis now finds himself in another contradictory situation. He told reporters last week that Cohen's “knowledge about the computer crime of hacking and whether or not Mr. Trump knew ahead of time about that crime and even cheered it on.” Davis once again has changed his story.

It seems like every few weeks, the Democrats roll out some new strategy or slogan which is intended to help them with the 2018 midterms. The newest one is completely doomed to fail. They're going to try to ignore Trump and not talk about him at all. This should end well.