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Democrats Tag

The 2022 midterm elections are now just seven months away, and reality is beginning to set in for Democrats. President Biden is underwater with just about every voting bloc in the country, and Republican voters are much more motivated to vote. This year feels like 2010 when the GOP picked up over 60 seats.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is now calling on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign or be impeached. This stems from the Democrat/media feeding frenzy over Thomas' wife Ginni and her involvement with pro-Trump activists following the 2020 election.

Democrats don't have much to run on in November. Gas prices and inflation are reaching record highs, COVID is still an issue, they have no foreign policy successes, and Biden is underwater with pretty much everyone. So what are they going to do? Demonize the opposition.

Is working for Kamala Harris a miserable experience? You might assume so based on her inability to retain employees. Her deputy press secretary, Sabrina Singh is leaving the vice president's office for a gig in the defense department. Singh is the latest person to leave in just a matter of months.

A new survey from the Wall Street Journal finds that half of Americans don't believe Joe Biden will seek a second term in 2024. Biden has repeatedly said he is running but Americans can see and hear him, and it's pretty clear that he is already significantly diminished by age. It's also hard to believe the Democratic party would allow him to be their nominee if his poll numbers are still this bad two years from now.