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Democrats Tag

"Imagine Ron DeSantis goes up to a group of white teenagers, offers them some candy and says, ‘Hey, I’m gonna take you to Dinsey [sic] World if you get in my van.’ And then Ron DeSantis drives them to Bush Gardens. That’s kidnapping!" - MSNBC...

Martha's Vineyard had no problem welcoming the illegal immigrants flown to the rich Democratic playground from Florida. But only for 24 hours. Now the swanky resort island is shipping the illegal immigrants to the Cape Cod military base: Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced new shelter and humanitarian supports...

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) compared parents speaking at school board meetings to January 6th this week. You may remember Johnson as the moron who thought the island of Guam might tip over if there were too many people standing on it. I sincerely hope Johnson and other Democrats keep talking like this. Nothing will red-pill parents faster than this.

Charlie Crist, the former Republican Governor of Florida turned Democrat who is trying to get his old job back, apparently wants vaccine passports for Floridians. A clip of Crist on Good Morning America in May resurfaced this week during an argument about another issue.

Washington, DC council member Brianne Nadeau said on Thursday that the governors of Texas and Arizona are to blame for the 'crisis' happening in the district due to the influx of illegal border crossers. Liberal leaders in Washington, DC boasted about being a sanctuary city when it was nothing more than a virtue signal and they had no real stake in the game. Now it's a crisis?

The operator of California's power grid is advising state residents to prepare for rolling outages because of a heatwave. Governor Gavin Newsom constantly brags about the state's commitment to green energy, but he can't even keep the power on. How will they power all the electric cars once they ban gas-powered vehicles if they can't keep the power on?