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A male used the female dressing room at a Ross department store in Mesquite, TX, leaving one woman shocked, especially when the manager pushed aside her feelings and concerns. Customer Lisa Stickles spoke with CBS DFW [emphasis mine]:
“I was in the dressing room, when we heard a man’s voice,” said Lisa Stickles, who says she quickly told a manager. “She went inside the dressing room, came right back out and called me to the side and told me… he was representing himself as a woman today,” Stickles said. A customer service representative with Ross would not comment on the alleged incident but said they do not discriminate against the transgender community; adding, customers may use changing rooms that apply to their gender identity. “What about me? Or my feelings?” said Sickles. “(The manager) told me that if I felt uncomfortable in the dressing room with him there… I’d have to wait until he’s finished.”

Vegans. We all know at least one. We've all been stuck listening as they chirp from their morally superior perch about the evils of carnivorous living. Yes, there exist vegans who aren't the most annoying people we know, but those are few and far between. So, what would life be like if all of us steak eaters acted about our filet mignons how vegans act about their organic, free-range kale?

Dinesh D'Souza's new film Hillary's America will open this summer on July 15th, three days before the start of the Republican National Convention and ten days before the Democratic National Convention. Deadline Hollywood reports:
Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Hillary’s America’ Docu Set To Open Just Before GOP Convention EXCLUSIVE: No word yet if Dinesh D’Souza’s Hillary’s America: The Secret History of The Democratic Party will be playing in Cleveland when the Republicans have their national convention in the Ohio city from July 18-21 and are expected to nominate Donald Trump for President but the provocative pic will be on the big screen for sure. The third documentary from the bestselling author and D’Souza’s solo directing debut, Hillary’s America is opening on limited release on July 15 before going wide a week later on July 22, Deadline has learned.

A new documentary about disgraced former congressman Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner, entitled Weiner, is scheduled for limited release on Friday, and with all that Huma Abedin (Mrs. Danger Weiner) has been through with her "excessive pay" investigation  as well as her recent FBI interview, it seems that she will be reliving the downfall of her husband. The New York Post reports:
When the couple OK’d filming, they clearly expected a comeback story: “Disgraced congressman rebounds to become mayor.” What unfolded instead became a headline writer’s dream (“Weiner’s Rise and Fall”) and a wife’s nightmare. Yet there’s Abedin standing, however grimly, by her man. ‘I love him, I believe in him, I have forgiven him.’ - Huma Abedin Though she never raises her voice — the filmmakers often give us subtitles — her body language speaks volumes.

A few Russian officials have demanded a Ukraine boycott after singer Jamala won Eurovision with her song "1944," which is about the USSR deportation of the Crimean Tatars. Well, maybe if Russia did not invade east Ukraine or annex Crimea, people would not hate them so much. Jamala, a Crimean Tatar, drew inspiration for the song from her great-grandmother. USSR dictator Josef Stalin deported over 200,000 Crimean Tatars to central Asia on suspicion of corroborating with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. The 72nd anniversary of the deportation falls on May 18.

Andy Stanley has a message for the forty-five and older crowd -- stop scaring the children. Why? Youngsters take cues from older generations. If all they hear is doom and gloom, there's a pretty good chance they're going to buy into the Apocalypse is nigh! hogwash. "Many of you have grown weary and you've lost heart, and the reason is, you have fixed your eyes on a political system, you have fixed your eyes on a political leader, you have fixed your eyes on the good 'ol days, you've fixed your eyes on the economy and you are growing weary and you need to knock it off!" said Stanley. "And I'll tell you why -- because you are scaring the children."

Late last night, I blogged about a NYT report that the Education and Justice Departments were issuing a bathroom edict to all government-funded schools. As the NYT pointed out, the letter is not legally binding and has, "no force of law," but is a threat no less. Without force of law, the only threat remaining is federal money (which should make for a fun 10th amendment fight). So the ED and DOJ trotted out Title IX to preach about discrimination. But it's not a threat. Public schools will lose federal funding for noncompliance, but it's not a threat though: Potty Decree highlights (or lowlights):

Because the issue isn't contentious enough, Obama Administration Officials will issue a directive to public school districts nationwide, instructing them to allow students to use the restroom of their choosing. Officials from the Justice and Education Departments have signed the letter which preaches against discrimination. The New York Times reported late Thursday evening:

As summer approaches, Belgian-owned Budweiser announces a new patriotic label:  "America."  The theme is intended to attract customers while sharing patriotic sayings, lyrics, and the like. From the Anheuser-Busch Budweiser press release entitled "Budweiser emblazons America on cans and bottles to kick off its most patriotic summer ever":
America’s No. 1 full-flavored lager is taking its longstanding tradition of patriotic packaging even further this summer by replacing “Budweiser” with “America” on the front of its 12-oz. cans and bottles. The brand is also modifying Budweiser’s iconic label to add copy that is central to American history, including phrases from the Pledge of Allegiance and lyrics from “The Star Spangled Banner” and “America the Beautiful.” On shelves nationwide from May 23 through the election in November, these cans and bottles aim to inspire drinkers to celebrate America and Budweiser’s shared values of freedom and authenticity.

Ronan Farrow slammed those in Hollywood who still support and worship his father Woody Allen even though his sister Dylan accused the director of molesting her. He wrote in The Hollywood Reporter:
But the old-school media's slow evolution has helped to create a culture of impunity and silence. Amazon paid millions to work with Woody Allen, bankrolling a new series and film. Actors, including some I admire greatly, continue to line up to star in his movies. "It's not personal," one once told me. But it hurts my sister every time one of her heroes like Louis C.K., or a star her age, like Miley Cyrus, works with Woody Allen. Personal is exactly what it is — for my sister, and for women everywhere with allegations of sexual assault that have never been vindicated by a conviction. Tonight, the Cannes Film Festival kicks off with a new Woody Allen film. There will be press conferences and a red-carpet walk by my father and his wife (my sister). He'll have his stars at his side — Kristen Stewart, Blake Lively, Steve Carell, Jesse Eisenberg. They can trust that the press won't ask them the tough questions. It's not the time, it's not the place, it's just not done.

If you're a single American looking for love who vowed to leave the U S of A should Donald Trump take the White House, today is your lucky day. Maple Match promises to help Americans find Canadian love. "Maple Match makes it easy for Americans to find the ideal Canadian partner to save them from the unfathomable horror of a Trump presidency," they claim.

Ah, "mansplaining." Though the term is meant to define instances of sexist men speaking condescendingly to women simply because they're women, it's broadly used by neo-feminists to describe any man engaging in the following behaviors: assertiveness, moderately aggressive, argumentative, expository, a man standing up for himself, correcting the record, or otherwise saying something contrary to what a woman thinks is right. And it drives me up the damn wall. Like this video:

In keeping with the lumbering awkwardness of Hillary Clinton's presidential primary campaign that has included herding reporters like cattle and adopting a phony Southern accent, Team Hillary has concocted a new means of countering widespread unflattering comments about Hillary online.  Unlike Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, Hillary does not enjoy an enthusiastic following even among those who support her, so she does not have the army of online people voluntarily engaged in defending her against attacks from both the left and the right. The solution? A vast network of highly paid online pro-Hillary trolls funded by a David Brock super PAC, "Correct the Record," that will be coordinating with the Hillary campaign.  The plan, apparently, was to hire a bunch of people to do what other candidates' supporters do for free . . .  and to make it look grassroots and organic. The LA Times reports:
When the Internet’s legions of Hillary hecklers steal away to chat rooms and Facebook pages to vent grievances about Clinton, express revulsion toward Clinton and launch attacks on Clinton, they now may find themselves in a surprising place – confronted by a multimillion dollar super PAC working with Clinton.

In 2012, I wrote about this subject. Post-election loss, desperate, and hopelessly facing President Obama's second term, the idea of a political savior made its way in to mainstream though. 2016 is not 2012 (obviously), but for different reasons than before, there's a collective hunt for the one man who will save the republic. For some that man is Trump, for others, he's an unnamed hero waiting in the wings. Real talk: He (or she) is not coming. There will be no Reagan incarnate, no William F. Buckley the Greater, no zombie Goldwater. No one person can save us from our current predicament.

I always found Jay Leno's "Jay Walking" segment depressing. He would wander around Los Angeles, conducting man on the street interviews with passers by, most of whom showed complete ignorance about very basic American history questions. I never found it humorous, I found it disheartening, but also context for why things are the way they are. This video is no different. Who fought in World War II? Who was Hitler? ¯_(ツ)_/¯