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Because of course. Tuesday, Kanye West met with president-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower. Trump said there were "just friends" and that they've "known each other a long time." When asked what their meeting entailed, Trump said "life".

Actions speak louder than words -- or at least that's what Pepsi's latest endeavor to expand into the health food department seems to suggest. People say they want healthier foods, but Pepsi has found that people prefer taste over nutritional information. Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi wants to make the company a "health juggernaut," but to keep up with the consumer wants, the company has increased the sugar content of its products.

Because I write so much about climate change, I am constantly barraged by fake news about the hoax-based science. The good news: The mainstream media has finally noticed the fake news problem. The bad news: The main stream media hasn't recognized it's a significant source of the problem. The ugly news: There are policies proposals being bandied about that are suppose to prevent the spread of "fake news" (i.e. news found on conservative and other sites that the progressive left want silenced).

75 years ago today, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. On December 8, President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered one of the most famous speeches, which the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum will display until December 31:
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”

Not everyone who works in the entertainment business is a liberal. KISS front man Gene Simmons definitely leans right and he has some words of advice for liberals in his industry who are freaking out over Trump. Shut your pie holes. He made the remarks in an appearance on the FOX Business Network with Charles Payne:
KISS Front Man Gene Simmons: Celebrities Should Shut Their Pie Holes KISS front man Gene Simmons thinks it’s time for celebrities to keep their political opinions to themselves—especially when it comes to the results of the 2016 presidential election.

The world has truly gone mad. A Philly city attorney was busted after surveillance footage was used to identify him as a vandal. His tag read "F*** Trump". Though it's impressive that he perpetrated the act of vandalism while sipping wine, adorned in khakis, a blazer, and what looks to be a very nice scarf. For now, the man still has his job:
A city attorney involved in an anti-Donald Trump vandalism incident, caught on camera, made a "dumb mistake," and remains in his job for now Mayor Kenney said Thursday.