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College Insurrection Tag

Concepts like safe spaces and microaggressions are so ridiculous that it's easy to forget that there are people who take them seriously. Really seriously. Case in point: Young Americans for Freedom recently held a meeting at the University of Kansas and some social justice warriors showed up. You can probably imagine how things went. Heat Street reports:
Wow: Students Scream, Swear at U of Kansas Classmates for Questioning Safe Spaces Students from the University of Kansas’ Young America’s Foundation just learned the hard way that those who advocate for “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings” for themselves aren’t as courteous about other people’s feelings.

If you wish to work in the (ahem) growing field of Marijuana cultivation and distribution, you'll be happy to know there's a university where you can learn every angle of the trade. Oaksterdam University in Oakland, California offers a full range of Cannabis related studies. NBC4 reports:
Oakland University offers marijuana education With California voters getting ready to decide whether or not to allow adults to use marijuana recreationally, would-be entrepreneurs are looking to possibly cash in on what some consider to be the state’s next gold rush.