Some college presidents want their student body to be a bunch of coddled babies. After all, it’s easier to pacify a baby.
Campus Reform reports:
Northwestern prez: only ‘idiots,’ ‘lunatics’ oppose safe spaces
In his convocation speech to new students Monday, the president of Northwestern University promised to provide “safe spaces” while snidely criticizing anyone who disagrees.
“The people who decry safe spaces do it from their segregated housing places, from their jobs without diversity—they do it from their country clubs,” Morton Schapiro declared during the speech, according to The Daily Northwestern.
“It just drives me nuts,” he added, possibly alluding to a controversial letter to freshmen at the nearby University of Chicago in which the Dean of Students emphatically rejects any institutional support for safe spaces, “so-called trigger warnings,” or censorship of invited speakers.
While Schapiro did not mention the UC letter by name, he directly challenged its sentiments, telling students to “look for those safe spaces,” and pledging that “if you can’t find them, we will help you find them.”
Schapiro did not stop at safe spaces, however, directing his remarks at the larger debate over the “coddling” of college students through trigger warnings and awareness of microaggressions.
Asserting that he remembers every microaggression he’s ever experienced, Schapiro told students that such incidents “cut you to the core,” and that those who deny the existence of microaggressions are “idiots.”

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News flash: U of Chicago less is an idiot.
Yeah, right.
News flash: U of Chicago president is an idiot.
Yeah, right.
Third time’s the charm–
News flash: U of Chicago Dean of Students is an idiot.
Yeah, right.
“Lighten up, Francis.”
“Suck it up, buttercup.”
” ‘…remembers every microaggression he’s ever experienced….”
Sheesh, what a baby.