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Chicago Tag

The news cycle has been overwhelmed with chilling stories of the Midwest being colder than the continent of Antarctica this week.
On Wednesday, Chicago will be colder than parts of Antarctica, Alaska and the North Pole. The Windy City's "high" temperature on Wednesday should be around 10 below zero, while the overnight low Wednesday night into Thursday morning is forecast to be in the 25-below range, according to the National Weather Service in Chicago.

The organizers of the Women's March in Chicago have canceled the 2019 march due to the anti-Semitic views of Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory at the national level. The ties to Nation of Islam and hatred of Jews by the leaders is nothing new to us at LI, but since Tablet magazine's investigation, the fallout continues and no one can ignore the truth anymore.

A student at DePaul University decided to run for political office this year. He set his sights on an alderman seat in Chicago which hasn't been challenged since 1991. He soon learned that the Chicago machine wasn't going to give up its power easily, even if that meant resorting to fraud.

Faith and family are two pillars of American culture that Democrats have worked for decades to undermine, so imagine my surprise when I read Obama's former White House Chief of Staff and current Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel making an argument for stronger faith and family values. The left, of course, is livid and think he's "blaming the victims" of the rampant violence that many parts of Chicago experience on a daily basis.  Perhaps they needn't be, however, as the cynic in me wonders if this isn't a geared response to the massive protests organized by pastors from Chicago's South and West sides.

Oh, Chicago. I love my home city so much, but it keeps giving me reasons to never move back! Now the corrupt city has decided to toy with universal basic income (UBI) because we all know Chicago has a ton of money to throw around. Except it doesn't.

Politico stated it perfectly: "Dan Lipinski is the kind of candidate Democrats need more of for the party to win the House in November. But the national Democratic Party is refusing to endorse him." Lipinski, a pro-life Blue Dog Democrat, has represented Illinois's 3rd district for seven terms. Activist Marie Newman, whom The Independent described as "a decidedly Bernie Sanders-styled progressive," has challenged him with a platform more aligned with the party. So why would the Democratic Party turn its back on an incumbent? The abortion industry? Purity tests? Either way, this move against a popular incumbent shows that the Democratic Party remains in disarray despite their talk of taking over the House.