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Legal Insurrection readers will recall I covered a book entitled "The Polar Bear Catastrophe that Never Happened" by Dr. Susan Crockford. The University of Victoria professor analyzes the latest data and reviews the questionable values used in official estimates, concluding that polar bears are actually thriving. She has been fired from her position at the university.
After 15 years as an adjunct assistant professor, Ms. Crockford said the University of Victoria rejected without explanation in May her renewal application, despite her high profile as a speaker and author stemming from her widely cited research on polar bears and dog domestication.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a press conference today to address the pictures of him in brownface and blackface. Complete. Epic. Meltdown. The man hit all the key liberal buzzwords. Arrogance seeped out of his pores. Oh, he also cannot remember how many times he has worn blackface or brownface in his life.

This should be a big deal, but since Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a liberal, he'll get away with it. Time published a photo of Trudeau decked out in brownface at an Arabian Nights themed gala party in 2001. Trudeau has apologized, but also admitted he wore blackface while in high school. He claimed he had no idea at both times it is racist and wrong to do such things.

After the Supreme Court struck down state bans on gay marriage, liberal LGBTQ groups and allies in the Democratic party aggressively pushed for transgender rights under the guise of "equality for all." The progress they've made so far has proven predictably disastrous for women's rights in America. Transgender women athletes born male are more frequently being allowed to compete in women's sports, giving them an unfair advantage.

NAFTA is now called the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, after the three countries reached a new deal late Sunday night. From The Wall Street Journal:
The biggest impact is expected to be on the region’s largest industry, autos, requiring a greater portion of vehicles to be made in North America and with high-wage labor in the U.S. and Canada. The new deal for the first time sets rules for financial-services and digital businesses that have emerged since the bloc was created, aimed at pleasing sectors from drugmakers to Wall Street.

Trump sat down with reporters from Bloomberg News to discuss trade discussions with Canada. The meeting was supposed to be off the record, meaning the content discussed during the meeting was not for publishing. The whole purpose of off the record meetings is to allow for candid discussion and background context, without providing content that's directly printable.

A gunman killed two people and wounded at least 12 others in an attack in a Toronto Greek neighborhood on Sunday night. The suspect, 29, died after he exchanged gunfire with police, but we do not know as of now if police killed him or if he committed suicide. Police Chief Mark Saunders said on Monday morning that the attack "was not random and he did not rule out terrorism as a motive."