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California Tag

The last time we visited Stockton, California, the city residents were voting on a sales tax to help city finances after it filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. The tax passed and the city exited bankruptcy in 2015. It appears few lessons have been learned in the interval. The city's 27-year old mayor is planning to launch its "universal basic income" plan, where its citizens are paid simply for being citizens.

Here's a hint: If you're going to help lead a movement against sexual harassment, don't sexually harass anyone. California Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia gained fame after she led the #MeToo movement at the California Capitol. Time magazine even featured her in its the "Silence Breakers" issue at the end of 2017. Now a former staffer has accused her of sexual misconduct when he participated at a legislative softball game with her.

California has established itself as the state leader of the anti-Trump resistance. It has declared itself a sanctuary state and continually pushes for far left policies like single payer healthcare. Yet California's own house is in disorder. Los Angeles has a homelessness crisis in its midst.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has been overseeing the substantial reduction in staff of the his agency. However, each of the 10 regional offices usually have a designated head to run the local operations. One of those regions still lacks a chief because the administration is finding it difficult to locate someone wiling to face the gauntlet of eco-activists in the San Fransisco Region 9 headquarters.
"On Tuesday, an oil and gas lobbyist from New Mexico who, according to several people inside the Trump administration, was poised to fill the post told The Times it was all a big mistake. He'd be staying put in New Mexico.

The Golden State seems hellbent on regulating itself into oblivion. Their eco-madness has led them to seriously consider legislation that would fine and or imprison waiters for offering restaurant patrons disposable plastic straws unless one is requested. I'm sure you'll be shocked to learn the legislation was presented by a Democrat. And this isn't some fringe issue either. The plastic straw ban was introduced and is championed by Ian Calderon, Assembly Majority Floor Leader.

A California law, which goes into effect on April 1, automatically registers people to vote when they apply for a new driver's license or new state identification card. The Golden State permits anyone who claims to be in the country legally, even without proof, to obtain a license. So, logically, I anticipate that California could be getting a whole, new crop of illegal immigrant voters.

The Democrats have a huge problem on their hands as Dreamers, now young adults who've been promised the immigration world, are demanding Democrats make good on their promises. Schumer's failure to negotiate any meaningful DACA codification into the spending bill has Dreamers incensed and they're taking action.

Just before Christmas, President Donald Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that has set America's economy on a trajectory to prosperity and put wealth back in the hands of its citizens. The new rules also substantially reduced the country's corporate tax rate to 21 percent, down from a fairly hefty 35 percent. Now, a pair of California Grinches are offering a bill that would ultimately divert some of the federal savings back into Sacramento coffers.

It seems California's Attorney General Xavier Beccera is taking the "general" portion of his title more seriously than the "attorney" portion. While waging the Golden State's War on Trump, Beccera is now threatening the state's employers with prosecution and fines if they voluntarily assist United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents identify illegal immigrants:

The Trump Administration continues its #CounterResistance to California's illegal immigration promoting polices with a move targeting the state's "birth tourism" industry.
Federal Homeland Security agents raided 20 alleged “maternity hotels” in Southern California where pregnant Chinese women pay tens of thousands of dollars to live to ensure a “made in America” baby, reports said.