Bumper Stickers | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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Bumper Stickers Tag

First do no harm....

From Kate:
Harrisonburg, VA...northwest of Charlottesville, VA (looks like car owner from Charlottesville). Just took this picture in a retirement home 15 minute parking space...so probably owned by a baby-boomer who has a parent in the retirement community. :(
Bumper Stickers - Harrisonburg, VA - Obama Warren You know, I'm also from the Elizabeth Warren Wing of the Democratic Party.

It starts somewhere....

This Part 2 of the vehicle from Ithaca. (Part 1 here) At least she has a sense of humor. Bumper Stickers - Ithaca - Read English Thank Soldier Part 2 Bet she's a Pat Benatar fan:

A reader, let's just call him Johnny, writes:
Seen on I-287 in NJ at 12:30 PM today [Monday, July 13, 2015]. It would appear the Dems have lost the teamsters. This is NOT a Photoshop.
I was skeptical, so I wrote back:
You promise it's not a photoshop?
He responded:
I took the photo with my Droid Turbo. If you think speaking to me personally will convince you, my cell is [xxx-xxx-xxxx]. Note that I was speeding!
Bumper Sticker - New Jersey - Trump on Truck Highway Me:
I assume you request anonymity, in that case.