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By some miracle (and I truly believe that's what it is), we're still high and dry and abundantly thankful to be so. My husband and I are heartbroken for our home town and frustrated that there is nothing we can do to help those in need right now. While areas that typically flood have done so, Harvey has flooded neighborhoods that have never flooded, meaning their residents are likely without flood insurance. My in-laws who've lived in their house for more than 40 years with no issue watched their house flood. And at least a dozen other individuals we know personally have a similar story.

Blogging from Houston where we've received 25 inches of rain these last 48 hours. Meteorologists are predicting we'll receive another 15-25 inches in the next three days, and that's before Harvey meanders back into the gulf, swings back around and hits us once more as a parting gift. My brother-in-law's family is still waiting to see if they have a home to return to in Rockport, my in-law's were flooded out of their home, and for the first time in my entire life, I'm sitting here, like millions of others, contemplating the very real possibility that we could lose everything before this storm is through. Thousands already have.

Sitting here, blogging from my home breaks in Houston, which is currently on the dirty side of Hurricane Harvey. My brother-in-law's family evacuated from the coast yesterday to dryer ground inland. As these things go, no one is entirely sure what to expect, but wisdom always suggests we prepare for the worst.

On May 22, 2012, we registered our 100,000th comment from Oregon Mike. Yesterday we registered our 500,000th comment. There is no prize. No money. No special access. Just bragging rights. And the bragging rights go to .....

We have written several times about lawsuits commenced in Maryland federal court by Brett Kimberlin against numerous conservative bloggers, including our Editor Emeritus Mandy Nagy ("Liberty Chick") based on her writing about Kimberlin when she was at Breitbart. Our most recent update on Mandy's condition, from a little over a year ago, is here. I think about her often, and hope to have another update by the end of the summer.

It’s been five years since I last posted in LI. As some of you may remember, I was the first non-Prof contributor back in 2010. I mostly covered the coveted late afternoon slot while Prof was teaching and I usually linked to articles that covered my funky amalgam of technology and free-market fetishisms. A few days ago, Prof Jacobson reached out to me to share a bit of an update on myself.

Sometime last month Legal Insurrection received its 100 millionth page view since we went live on October 12, 2008. We're also just a couple of thousand shy of our 500,000th comment. I realize that's not Yuge by Yuge media standards, but we're not Yuge media. Just a group of people who do the best we can with what we got, a ragtag band of merry makers and pontificators trying to scrape by on our hardscrabble piece of the internet.

Wednesday's baseball shooting left several injured and one dead. In things I never thought I'd say, I must agree with both President Trump and Sen. McCaskill -- unity, not division should be the goal at this day's end. It's impossible to ignore the toxic political polarization or that as Professor Jacobson discussed last night, yesterday's events were the unavoidable outcome of years of incitement. This much is pure fact. Did the rhetoric and general political climate play a factor in Hodgkinson's assassination attempt? We don't know. But regardless of all mitigating factors, the only person responsible for Hodgkinson's actions is Hodgkinson.

Que Twilight Zone theme.  Scott Johnson of the conservative blog Powerline has been served a draft subpoena ordering that he preserve records of items he noted in his blog posts. Judge James Robart, presiding over the Hawaii v. Trump "travel ban" case, authorized the move. Johnson writes:
These are strange days. I seem to have been caught up in the so-called “travel ban” litigation challenging President Trump’s executive orders “Protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States.” Yesterday I was served with a letter and draft subpoena from one Tana Lin of the Keller Rohrback law firm’s Seattle office alerting me to my “document preservation obligations with respect to documents that are relevant or potentially relevant to this litigation.” Lin represents plaintiffs in Doe v. Trump, venued in the federal district court for the Western District of Washington.

Regular readers are familiar with my disdain for Trump, having been a Never Trumper prior to the election. However, once he was elected, Trump became my president because that's just how life works. (My thoughts on that here.) I'm still skeptical of Trump's ability to do the job well, but I grow increasingly aggravated with the collective political media set who seem to be doing everything in their power to destroy this presidency. We don't have an opportunity to praise or criticize the administration and their efforts because the whole of our time is spent debunking misreported claims based on anonymous sources, none of which are favorable to Trump.

Hello, dear readers. I’ve been writing at this site and others for years under the pen name of Aleister. I’ve decided to drop the moniker and write under my real name, Mike LaChance. The decision didn’t come lightly but I no longer see the need to work anonymously. I graduated from Emerson College in 1992 and I’m one of those Generation X libertarians you may have heard about. I remember the Iran Hostage Crisis and the Cold War. I was watching television when MTV still played music videos and Saturday Night Live made fun of all presidents, regardless of their party affiliation. I’m a Massachusetts lifer and when I started blogging, I worked in the very liberal fields of theater, sketch comedy and education in Boston, a very liberal city. Over the last two years, I have become a full time political blogger but my story goes back well over a decade.

Author reaction posts are one my favorite things to publish on the site. The breadth and variety of thought and opinion articulated by our bloggers always make my little political heart beam. See: Trump is the Nominee, What Now? Legal Insurrection Authors Debate Legal Insurrection Authors Respond to Trump Victory This post was Leslie's idea. So I reached out to the squad and asked them to share their thoughts on President Trump's first 100 days in office. Without further ado...

Are you having trouble commenting on our site? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We've received emails from several readers who are having difficulty commenting. We're still trying to pinpoint the issue but have a few working theories. We've been unable to replicate the problems readers are having on our end, so, if you've had trouble commenting recently, we'd like to hear from you. To help us resolve the issue quicker, please provide the following information in the comments beneath this post. If you're unable to comment, you can send relevant info to the email address in this link.

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As privileged women around the country don Soviet red and abdicate their responsibilities for their Day Without Women, the women of Legal Insurrection are hard at work. In fact, every woman I know -- my friends, my sister, my mom, my cousins, my aunts, and in-laws are all working today. You see, we don't feel it necessary to vanish in order to prove our worth or value. We're confident in who we are. Our work is never done. As a wife and Momma, there are no days off. But having the never-ending needs of a family to satisfy is far from burdensome, it's a privilege.

Morning Insurrection is the morning email newsletter we started in July 2014. It arrives at 7 a.m. during weekdays.


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