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Bill Clinton Tag

It turns out the Clintons have been very charitable in their giving. The ironic part is that their own foundation was the greatest beneficiary of their philanthropy. CNBC reports:
Clintons made $10.6 million in 2015, paid federal rate of 34% Hillary and Bill Clinton released their 2015 tax returns on Friday, showing they paid $3.6 million in taxes on adjusted gross income of $10.6 million.

In addition to ignoring as many of Hillary's negatives as possible, another form of media bias is happening in this election cycle. The media is rehabilitating Bill and Hillary's marriage. It's easier to see the Clintons back in the White House if they're perceived as a happy and normal couple, not the scandal plagued, loveless pair who stayed together for purely political purposes. To aid in their image makeover, we're seeing pieces like this one from CNN:
The surprising secret to Bill and Hillary Clinton's marriage Tuesday night, Bill Clinton took the stage at the Democratic National Convention to make the case for another Clinton: the former U.S. Secretary of State-- and his former First Lady -- Hillary Clinton, as the next President of the United States.

At long last, our national political convention nightmare is over. Thanks to the magic of the internet, we're able to bring you the best moments from this year's Democratic National Convention, sound-free.

Me, when someone brings me a donut:

Hillary got a little bit too excited - Imgur

I watched the new documentary film "Clinton Cash" based on the book by Peter Schweizer this week and all I can say is the Clintons' corruption is worse than most people know. As a full time blogger, I watch cable news and monitor political news all day every day and even I didn't know the extent of the Clintons' influence and the way they've used it to enrich themselves and others. I think most members of the general public would be horrified by what's presented in this film.

Uh-oh: looks like I've had something of a mind-meld with Rachel Maddow . . . During Bill Clinton's DNC speech tonight, I tweeted "the spectacle of Bill Clinton telling the romantic story of how he met, wooed and married Hillary is deeply creepy." When the speech ended, Rachel Maddow, on MSNBC, called the top of the speech "shocking and weird," describing the beginning of the speech as "controversial." Maddow was miffed that Clinton spoke of "a girl," "the girl" and built "her whole political story for the whole first half of the speech around her marriage to him."

I don't know a ton about Boris Johnson. He's the former Mayor of London, is very pro-Israel and hates the BDS movement, led the Brexit campaign only to withdraw from contention to be Prime Minister, and was just appointed Foreign Minister (okay, "Foreign Secretary") in Theresa May's new cabinet. And he has a mop of blonde hair. He obviously has some wit, as in a 2007 column in The Telegraph newspaper in Britain, wherein he described Hillary Clinton in terms we all can appreciate (emphasis added):
"She's got dyed blonde hair and pouty lips, and a steely blue stare, like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital ..."
Sounds like he was channeling Rush Limbaugh, who made the comparison just a couple of months earlier, Mrs. Clinton Plays Nurse Ratched: Hillary Clinton Nurse Ratched

While traveling back home from a conference in Atlanta, I had a chance to read the new book Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate by Gary Byrne. Byrne's book is a gripping read, as he conveys his personal history to join the Secret Service, his time at the White House, and his decision to join the Federal Air Marshals Service. However, it is not an easy read, as it is difficult to learn of how the Clintons and other elite politicos disdainfully treated patriotic Americans such a Byrne, who want only to serve their country.

The day after Hillary Clinton's "voluntary interview" with the FBI, she appeared this morning on Meet the Press. From the NBC transcript of the interview:
CHUCK TODD: . . . .  Yesterday, the F.B.I. interviewed Hillary Clinton for about three and a half hours at its headquarters right here in Washington D.C. about the use of her private email server while she was secretary of State. I spoke with the former secretary late yesterday on MSNBC, her only interview since meeting with the F.B.I., and asked her whether the description of the interview as "civil and businesslike" was accurate. SEC. HILLARY CLINTON: Well, it was both. It was something I had offered to do since last August. I've been eager to do it and I was pleased to have the opportunity to assist the department in bringing its review to a conclusion.

The State Department has asked for a 27 month delay to release emails from Hillary Clinton when she served as secretary of state. That means the department would not release the emails until October 2018, over a year into Clinton's presidency if she should win in November.

Reports this morning indicate that Loretta Lynch is likely to accept the recommendation of the FBI as to prosecuting Hillary. The NY Times and initial reports on MSNBC indicated this was tantamount to a recusal, but the DOJ is now walking it back just a little, saying the likelihood of her overruling the FBI is very low, but not zero. I pointed out on June 29 that the real story here is not just the meeting, but also that Lynch and Clinton kept it secret until a local reporter found out about it from a source and questioned Lynch during a press conference:
If there was no appearance of impropriety, why did Lynch wait until a local news crew, apparently tipped off, asked her about it?

There are many things that raise serious questions about the meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the husband of a woman under FBI investigation, namely Bill Clinton. As I wrote yesterday, Gross appearance of impropriety in AG Lynch private meeting with Bill Clinton:
Neither Lynch nor Bill Clinton are dummies. They both know that such a private meeting creates the appearance of impropriety regardless of what was discussed. Bill Clinton’s wife is being investigated by the FBI — why do you think he dropped in for a chat with Lynch? Of course they didn’t discuss the case. They didn’t need to. If there was no appearance of impropriety, why did Lynch wait until a local news crew, apparently tipped off, asked her about it?
I don't think enough media focus has been on the non-disclosure. If not for the media tip-off, no one would have known the meeting took place except for Lynch, Clinton, and security details. And none of them are going to go on the record, at least not now.

Wow! Mika Brzezinski absolutely ripped into Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch today for holding a private meeting earlier this week. More importantly, the Morning Joe host clearly seemed to swipe at the rest of the media and punditry class for refusing to focus on the outrage. When Mark Halperin said "I bet you they didn't talk about" the FBI investigation of Hillary, Brzezinski literally laughed in his face. "Come on, stop! Everybody stop! Okay, well this is why this is never going to be a problem for Hillary Clinton. People are too afraid to talk about the truth." In a parting shot, Mika said "we'll just move on, just like everyone else does. Even though it's a complete sham."

What do you call an Attorney General who meets privately with the husband of a person under FBI investigation, and only discloses it when asked? Loretta Lynch. This is the last straw for me, when it comes to Lynch. I opposed my former law school classmate's nomination because her congressional testimony indicated she would be too political. Events have confirmed my fears, from suggestions that "hate speech" might be prosecutable, to the threat to sue people who disagree with the administration on climate change, her political grandstanding on the North Carolina bathroom law, to the attempt to edit out references to Islam and ISIS from the 911 transcript of the Orlando terrorist.

A brand new pro-Trump PAC called Rebuilding America Now has already raised a respectable sum and released its first ad which does a stunning job of tying Hillary Clinton's dishonesty to that of her husband. CNN reports:
Pro-Trump group's first ad uses Clintons' words against them A pro-Donald Trump super PAC ties Hillary Clinton's private email server use to Bill Clinton's Monica Lewinsky scandal, in its first 30-second advertisement. The spot, from the days-old group Rebuilding America Now -- launched by close Trump associate Tom Barrack with $32 million in commitments -- follows Trump's lead in casting likely Democratic nominee Clinton as untrustworthy.

Jeffrey Epstein is a name you may be familiar with, or you may not, but if media rumors are true, expect to hear about him much more in the coming weeks. Epstein is a good pal of President Bill Clinton's. Epstein is also a registered sex offender who got himself into trouble soliciting and procuring the services of underaged girls.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Clinton Global Initiative provided $2 million to a for-profit company partially owned by close friends of the family. Scott Kleeb, who "twice ran for Congress" as a Democrat, founded Energy Pioneer Solutions in 2009. A document showed other friends of the Clintons also own the company:
An internal document from that year showed it as owned 29% by Mr. Kleeb; 29% by Jane Eckert, the owner of an art gallery in Pine Plains, N.Y.; and 29% by Julie Tauber McMahon of Chappaqua, N.Y., a close friend of Mr. Clinton, who also lives in Chappaqua. Owning 5% each were Democratic National Committee treasurer Andrew Tobias and Mark Weiner, a supplier to political campaigns and former Rhode Island Democratic chairman, both longtime friends of the Clintons.
Tobias spoke with the Journal through email:
“With my modest initial investment, I wound up owning a small percentage of the company. It grew, because ultimately, between loans and equity investments, I’ve wound up putting a little more than $1 million into this effort.”
President Bill Clinton insisted the donation take place at a September 2010 conference.

Bill Clinton was campaigning for his wife in West Virginia on Sunday when he was confronted by members of the audience who were clearly angry about Hillary's promise to put coal miners out of business. Coal is pretty important in West Virginia. The Washington Free Beacon reported:
Hostile Protesters Confront Bill Clinton in West Virginia Bill Clinton was repeatedly interrupted by protesters during a rally for Hillary Clinton in Logan, West Virginia Sunday before the state’s primary on May 10. The group booed the former president and confronted him about Hillary Clinton’s promise to destroy coal jobs, a long-standing staple of West Virginia’s economy.

The Hillary Clinton campaign might want to reel in Bill Clinton for a little while, as he's starting to do more damage than good. In an obviously unscripted appearance this week, President Clinton suggested that Bernie Sanders supporters might want to shoot people on Wall Street. The Hill reports:
Bill Clinton: Sanders fans would ‘shoot every third person on Wall Street’ Former President Bill Clinton on Friday joked that Bernie Sanders’s supporters would open fire on Wall Street.