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Antisemitism Tag

One of my big regrets is not making more of a connection with Alan Dershowitz while in law school. I didn't take any of his classes, but I did have some interaction with him since he was the faculty advisor to the Jewish Law Students Association.  We...

Israel Matzav and  JWeekly have good write-ups of the anti-Israel derangement at the University of Pennsylvania, which hosted a Boycott Divest Sanction conference.  Not Boycott Divest Sanction Syria, or Saudi Arabia, or Iran ...

I previously have highlighted the treatment of the "Arab Street" by NY Times columnist Roger Cohen in the midst of the Arab Spring protests, many of which revealed an open and ugly anti-Semitic side: In the Middle East you expect the worst. But having watched Egypt’s extraordinary civic...

First it was Lara Logan.  Then other female journalists: The press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders on Friday cautioned  news outlets on sending female reporters to Cairo’s Tahrir Square, citing three  incidents in which reporters have been assaulted. “It is more dangerous for a woman than a...

Calling Israel an "Apartheid State" and the barrier built to keep out suicide bombers the "Apartheid Wall" is part of the standard lexicon of the Islamist-Lefist Anti-Israel Coalition. In The New York Times today, Richard Goldstone calls the apartheid terminology a slander, Israel and the Apartheid...

An employee of the L.A. School District and active Occupy Los Angleles supporter was fired for her anti-Semitic comments which have garnered a lot of attention. Here's the video of her reaction to the firing, where she doubles down (h/t IsraellyCool): The easy answer would be sure, fire her,...

Today marked the 70th commemoration of the Nazi massacre of 33,771 Jews in September 1941 at the Ukrainian ravine at Babi Yar. I visited the site in 1978, at which point a monument had been erected at the site. Yevgeny Yevtushenko's 1961 poem, which was not officially...

Here's your "Arab Spring" and "Arab Street" for you. From a BBC correspondent (h/t Daily Dish): While walking in the street someone pushed me from behind with such force that I nearly fell over. Turning around, I found myself surrounded by five men, one of whom tried to punch...

Via NRO, Anti-Israel Durban Declaration Reaffirmed: On Thursday, Western negotiators at the U.N. caved in to the demands of envoys from Islamic states to renew a modern-day form of the decades-long U.N. smear campaign alleging that the Jewish state is racist. Diplomats agreed on a new...

When they say Boycott Divest and Sanction Israel, they don't really mean it.  Those are just code words for Destroy Israel. Below is a video of a demonstration in London as part of the BDS(D) movement, via @EliLake, who notes At the link is this image: And this video. ...

I've written previously about George Washington's 1790 letter to the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, in my post Passover Is No Time To Wish For The End Of Christian America Washington's letter should be required reading, but I doubt many people have read it. But today in...

As explained in The Secret Passion of the New Antisemitism (h/t @yaacovlozowick): What distinguishes antisemitic propaganda from legitimate criticism, then, is the stubborn insistence on holding Israel to standards from which other countries are exempt, and the demand that Jews be denied a right to which other...

No official incitement in the new Egypt, "Mossad plotted to harm Egyptian fertility": Israeli citizen Ofir Harrari, recently accused by Egypt of spying for Israel, was allegedly involved in a complicated scheme intended to harm Egyptian reproduction abilities, Egypt's official state paper Al-Ahram has claimed. Harrari, accused by...

No surprise here.  Jewish students at the University of California, Berkeley, have filed a lawsuit (h/t) claiming that university officials have failed to protect Jewish students from harassment and intimidation by anti-Israeli groups: A pattern of harassment and physical assaults by members of two Muslim student groups...

There is a devastating article at The Jewish Weekly by a former NY Times reporter Ari Goldman, who was on the scene as a primary source reporter for The Times during the Crown Heights riots in New York City in 1991. Al Sharpton sought to take advantage...

As part of the continuing attempt to blame the "right wing blogosphere" for the shooting and bombing in Norway, two Norwegians take to the pages of The NY Times (h/t Left Coast Rebel) to decry the cabal of right wing bloggers and other supposed Islamophobes. Notice how easily...