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The Knife Intifada and the Never-Ending Jihad against the Jews

The Knife Intifada and the Never-Ending Jihad against the Jews

The Knife Intifada hasn’t changed anything. But it has clarified a lot.

The Knife Intifada has demonstrated, once again, that the core conflict between Israel and Palestinians is not over final borders or “the occupation” of Judea and Samaria by Israel.

As Prof. Miriam Elman has pointed out at Legal Insurrection, What Do Palestinians Really Want? New Study Reveals Disturbing Answers, Palestinians hold deeply anti-Jewish views and do not accept the legitimacy of any Jewish national entity.

Those findings are consistent with some inconvenient history: The Grand Mufti, Hitler and the “Knife Intifada.”

[Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler (December 1941)] Der Führer empfing in Gegenwart des Reichsministers des Auswärtigen von Ribbentrop den Grossmufti von Palästina, Sayid Amin al Husseini, zu einer herzlichen und für die Zukunft der arabischen Länder bedeutungsvollen Unterredung. 9.12.41  Presse Hoffmann

[Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler (December 1941)]

So it was of great interest for me to read An interview with Benny Morris by Prof. Gabriel Noah Brahm at Fathom Journal.  Morris is the “controversial” Israeli historian who first pissed off the “right wing” by questioning some of the foundational beliefs as to how Israel came into being, and then equally pissing off the left by focusing on the role of anti-Jewish hate in the Arab opposition to the creation of Israel.

Morris’ views were explaind in the Middle East Forum in this interview in 2010 Benny Morris: “The 1948 War Was an Islamic Holy War” (emphasis added):

Morris: What I discovered in the documentation relating to the war, at least from the Arab side, was that the war had a religious character, that the central element in the war was an imperative to launch jihad. There were other imperatives of course, political and others—but the most important from the enemy’s perspective was the element of the infidels who had the nerve to take control over sacred Muslim lands and the need to uproot them from there. The decisive majority in the Arab world saw the war first and foremost as a holy war, but until today historians have not examined the documentation that proves this. In my view, they have also ignored Arab rhetoric of the day, which universally included religious hatred against the Jews, because they thought the Arabs adopted this as normal speech that did not emanate from deep mental resources. They thought this was something superficial, that everyone talked like this. But I am positive the Arab spokesmen in 1948 did go beyond this and clearly and explicitly talked about jihad.

In the Fathom interview, Morris revisited the role of Islame in the current opposition to Israel in the modern era (emphasis added):

GNB: In your view, was the Palestinian rejection of Israel always rooted in Islamism? Was 1948 a jihad?

BM: One of the things I understood from my work in the 1990s, and later, is that Islam plays a major role in the hatred of the Zionist movement by Arabs in the Middle East and in Palestine. It’s not just a political matter of territory; it’s also a matter of religion and culture which opposes the arrival of the infidel and his taking of Muslim holy land.

Sometimes Palestinian rejectionism is more political in nature, while at other times, such as now, Islam playsa major role in Palestinian thinking about the conflict with Israel and the Zionist movement. In 1929 the big riots were all about the Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall and how these holy places are being threatened by the ‘infidel Jews’. We’re in one of those times again, partly because the entire Islamic world has radicalized, including the Palestinians. When I was young you could walk in the streets of East Jerusalem and you never see veiled women. Never. So the Muslim Arabs of Palestine have changed over the last 40 years and this is a reflection of what has happened in the Muslim Arab world in general.

You can’t avoid the conclusion that Islam is playing a major role in what’s happening….

Occasionally Israel captured would-be suicide bombers whose vest didn’t work or who were weak-willed and didn’t blow themselves up. Some were from the Fatah, which had began to copy Hamas and send out suicide bombers. When they interrogated the Fatah ‘secular’ suicide bombers, they found that their motivation was exactly the same as the Hamas suicide bombers: religion, the 70 virgins and paradise, and all the rest of it. The secularism of the Fatah is not that deep. It’s maybe a varnish…

Morris also opined on the reason peace has not been achieved.

It’s not actually that complicated, and it’s the same point reflected in the research set forth in Prof. Elman’s post and in dozens if not hundreds of posts at Legal Insurrection over the past several years: The Palestinians don’t accept the existence of Israel (emphasis added):

BM: ….Politically, the thing which has changed for me (and you can see that in my journalism), is my view of the Palestinians and their readiness to make peace with the Israelis. This is the crux. I would say that in the 1990s, while I was not persuaded by Arafat — the man was always a vicious terrorist and a liar— I thought maybe he is changing his approach because he now accepts the realities of power and what is possible.

But when it came to the crunch, when he was offered a two-state solution in 2000 by Barak, and then got an even better offer from Clinton at the end of 2000, Arafat said ‘no’. And I think this was the defining moment for me. He was simply unable to reach a compromise with Israelis.

GNB: And that affected you how, exactly?

BM: From that point on I lost a lot of sympathy for the Palestinians — which I had had before — and I came to understand that they are not willing to reach a two-state solution. And then there was Mahmoud Abbas’s rejection in 2008 of the Ehud Olmert proposals, which were fairly similar to the Clinton proposals of December 2000. Abbas was offered a state with 95 to 96 per cent of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, and he too said ‘no’.

I understood that it wasn’t really a question of a bit of territory here or there—it was a matter of the Palestinians non-acceptance of the legitimacy of the Jewish state. That was what lay behind Abbas’s inability to accept any Jewish state next to a Palestinian state. This is really what it has always been about: for Arafat, for Abbas, and before them for [Haj Amin] al-Husseini in the 1930s and 1940s.

The Knife Intifada and the open expressions of Jew hate are just a continuation of this never-ending Jihad against the Jews, in Israel and almost everywhere opposition to the existence of Israel is publicly displayed:

Copenhagen Woman Heil Hitler w caption

The “Hitler 2 Store” (seriously) in Gaza is receiving attention for it mannequins holding knives: (emphasis added):

The current wave of violence has been often fueled by incitement in the form of writing or visuals that are floating on Palestinian social media. This store has gained much of its fame from its Facebook page where pictures of the mannequins are on display.

“I saw an advertisement on Facebook so I wanted to pass by the shop because of the knife, the koufeyeh and the mask are now symbols for intifada of Al-Aqsa. I want to buy from this shop I like the idea as it is supporting our people in Jerusalem and the West Bank, I like the idea,” added 20 year old Immad Mharib.

The name ‘Hitler 2’ has also attracted attention, which seems to raise the number of visitors to the clothing store.

“The name of the shop is ‘Hitler’ and I like him because he was the the most anti Jewish person. They have done us wrong, they took our rights in this land and they left us with nothing. It is better for us now to go and die, we are living like the dead. I like the clothes and the name, it is fantastic,” said 20 year old Hijaz Abu Shanab.

The Knife Intifada hasn’t changed anything.

But it has clarified a lot.


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No one in any political position of importance will read this, or if he/she does, it will never be acknowledged.

This war will last forever, or until Israel decides to win.

rocks beats scissors

guns beat both

simply, win

How has it clarified anything that wasn’t obvious in the Second Intifada? Or the First?

So I just can’t figure what might have influenced Mohammad McStabby over there in California, can anyone?

For anyone who may not already know this, Haj Amin al-Husseini was Yasser Arafat’s uncle.

Turing the Crown Heights riots, in which Yankel Rosenbaum was murdered, some of the black rioters were heard to say Hitler should have finished the job. The Muslims express a similar sentiment. The irony is that had Hitler been successful neither blacks nor Arabs would have been here for he would have wiped out all “inferior” peoples. I, being a black woman, would not be writing this.

It’s no secret what the schools there have been teaching. Besides that, the influence of communism has waned, so that leaves religion.

Obama’s planned collapse of America and the free world and its descent into chaos is a situation accelerating like matter coalescing around a black hole.

General George Patton once mocked Hitler by referring to him as a ‘paper-hanging son of a bitch.’ Patton was only half-correct: while Hitler once installed wallpaper for a living, Hitler’s mother was married at the time she gave birth to her freak. But anyone mocking America’s Hitler, Barack Obama, as a ‘nose-picking son of a bitch’ would be 100% accurate.

Anyone mocking Obama’s bitch John Boehner — on anything — will also be 100% accurate.

Speaking of bitches: why does Rince Prebus still have a job? And why is Mitch McConnell still majority leader of the Senate?

it is always good information when people clearly self identify — and what is happening lately with immigration, knife intifada, “trans genderism”, political correctness gone amuck and universities running their own criminal justice system — self identifies a lot of people and organizations I want no part of.

MaggotAtBroadAndWall | November 8, 2015 at 8:17 am

I think you have to take the analysis one step further. You say they don’t want to resolve the border dispute because they hate Jews. True. But WHY?

Because if the border dispute were actually resolved, and Muslims stopped hating Jews, then the political leaders in the region would have to deal with the real problems within their own society: poverty, illiteracy, civil rights, etc.

So the Muslim political elites like stoking hatred against the Jews and blaming Jews for the problems because it takes the Muslim political elite off the hook. The Jews are a convenient scapegoat – one the Muslim political elite enjoy having because it helps secure their power.

It’s sort of what Hitler did, too. Blame the Jews who were a tiny minority segment of the population for all of society’s problems.

It’s sort of how Democrats use the Koch Brothers or “the 1%” as scapegoats. Low info Democrat voters don’t want to be told that they themselves are responsible for the problems of their life, or that Democrat policies suck. So Democrat politicians take themselves off the hook by telling their low info voters to blame two brothers or “the 1%” for their problems.

Pitting the majority against a tiny minority is ugly and can lead to horrific consequences, but it is a very effective strategy because the minority usually can’t fight back.

Israel is a tiny country of only about 8 million or so people occupying a sliver of marginally productive land. It is surrounded by hundreds of millions of Muslims occupying vast, expansive, swaths of territory. Muslims could have solved this problem decades ago if they wanted to. They don’t want to. Keeping the conflict unresolved is a source of their political power.

    ” a sliver of marginally productive land ” ?
    Israel supplies its people with all their milk, meat, vegetable and friut needs while exporting to Arab countries and Europe.
    With regard to ” Muslims could have solved this problem decades ago if they wanted to.” take some time to read this rather long Middle Eastern Studies article,

    ” The Quote

    On 25 May 1953 in testimony before the Subcommittee on Near East and Africa of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee the Reverend Karl Baehr, Executive Secretary of the American Christian Palestine Committee stated:

    The political picture within the Arab refugee camps is important to an understanding of the problem, and I must say it is of special significance to this committee.

    In April of 1952, Sir Alexander Galloway, then head of the UNRWA for Jordan, said to our study group, and this is really a direct quote from what he said:

    It is perfectly clear than the Arab nations do not want to solve the Arab refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore, as an affront against the United Nations, and as a weapon against Israel.

    Then, by way of emphasis he said:

    Arab leaders don’t give a damn whether the refugees live or die. ”

    [56] Committee on Foreign Relations, Palestine Refugee Program, Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Near East and Africa of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Eighty-Third Congress, First Session on the Palestine Refugee Program, May 20, 21, and 25, 1953 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1953), p. 103

    the political leaders in the region would have to deal with the real problems within their own society: poverty, illiteracy, civil rights, etc.

    Magg, poverty and illiteracy are built into Islam. When your ideology bans the education of half of your population, your won’t be overcoming illiteracy or getting out of poverty any time soon. If ME Islamic countries want to overcome illiteracy and poverty, they’re going to have to outlaw Islam and adopt a real religion that encourages education for all, fosters a work ethic, and teaches that all men are created equal.

Wafa Sultan has said all along that Islam is inseparable from politics. That’s why it’s hard to between when they are doing something for religious or political reasons. It’s all the same to them.

Sadly, the proper way to handle this problem is right in front of the Israelis.

Partition — that is, a complete separation of Israel from the Palestinians.

Right now a fair number of Palestinians work inside Israel. They do the jobs that Israelis can’t or won’t do. That means the Palestinians travel to and from their jobs inside Israel, live inside Israel proper, or live in the territories that have access to Israel.

Want the knifings to stop? Recognize that peace with people who honestly, truly, want you dead is impossible and then (therefore) enforce a complete separation. Ban the Palestinians from Israel. No work, no travel, no nothing. The wall around Israel has no gates.

Figure out which parts of the West Bank are critical to Israel’s survival — critical as opposed to useful or nice. Keep those parts, hand the rest back to Jordan or to the U.N. or to someone, and tell that someone — if ever we’re attacked from these territories, the Israeli Air Force will come calling. We may hit the attacker or we may miss, but that will be on your heads, not ours.

The work inside Israel that the Palestinians did? If Israelis won’t do the work then it doesn’t get done. Adjust.

What I suggest calls for a hard-heartedness that Israelis, particularly those who are communalist and Zionist, will find hard to accept. But the history of your nation for the past nearly 70 years, and of the region for hundreds of years prior to that, makes clear that co-existence is not going to happen.

A complete separation is needed. Get started.

      Vascaino in reply to Vascaino. | November 8, 2015 at 12:59 pm

      Here’s another article on Israel’s current situation to contemplate.
      Imagine what would develop if Israel were to “kick” out the “fith column” in their midst.

      The commitment of the Quakers through their primary organization, the American Friends Service Committee, is unmistakable. It is a leading member of the BDS umbrella group known as the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and provides support to BDS efforts on numerous college campuses. The AFSC works alongside the Students for Justice in Palestine and the rabidly anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace. Its representatives have even helped write Israel divestment resolutions for student governments.

        Juba Doobai! in reply to Vascaino. | November 8, 2015 at 1:40 pm

        When you’re hanged for a sheep or a goat, d what you got to and let the rope swing. Once you’ve done it, get up in their faces from jump. What? What? What? You got a problem widdat? Go badass New York on them. Then, to them if they bitch or attack, your gonna expel them from Gaza. In fact, Israel should start by emptying Gaza. Don’t cede any territory. For every rocket or every attack, seize a village or a town … and don’t give it back. Time for Israel to be the strong horse. Enough of this apologetic crap.

          Vascaino in reply to Juba Doobai!. | November 8, 2015 at 2:04 pm

          The reality is that the current admin would be the first to impose total sanctions and that Israel could not counter given its energy rquirements.
          Maybe in the near future they could overcome that but given the manner in which the Eu reacts one could imagine the Europeans piling on with the Iranians, Hezbollah and others to the joy of JStreet and ilk.
          Given the possibility that the morons who voted in the empty suit will vote in the Clinton foundation, Israel has to play it safe for now.
          And of course given the possibilty that a GOP candidate will be elected it depends on their courage. A bit risky at this stage to bet on it.

    Milhouse in reply to stevewhitemd. | November 9, 2015 at 8:09 am

    Want the knifings to stop? Recognize that peace with people who honestly, truly, want you dead is impossible and then (therefore) enforce a complete separation. Ban the Palestinians from Israel. No work, no travel, no nothing. The wall around Israel has no gates.

    The people doing the knifings are not coming from the “territories”. They live in Jerusalem or Area C.

    Milhouse in reply to stevewhitemd. | November 9, 2015 at 8:13 am

    Figure out which parts of the West Bank are critical to Israel’s survival — critical as opposed to useful or nice. Keep those parts, hand the rest back to Jordan or to the U.N. or to someone, and tell that someone — if ever we’re attacked from these territories, the Israeli Air Force will come calling. We may hit the attacker or we may miss, but that will be on your heads, not ours.

    They tried this with Gaza, and we can all see what a disaster it turned out to be.

    And handing over any parts where Jews live means forcibly expelling the Jews, as they did in Gaza, which was an inexcusable crime, and traumatic to the whole country.

Vascaino, if O’Barky could implement BDS he would have already. And Israel, BTW, will soon be an energy exporter. The EU must also be careful of alienating its members given the fractures that are already showing.

I totally agree with Juba. The problems of Gaza increased manyfold after Sharon’s “Disengagement.” If you don’t want murderous neighbors, clear out the neighborhood. They must go.

“They have done us wrong, they took our rights in this land and they left us with nothing”

Except that’s not what actually happened. What actually happened is that the Jews were expelled from the surrounding areas and much of their property stolen. The Muslims living where the Jews were expelled to were told by Muslim media to sell their property to the Jews because after the Jews were “driven into the sea” they’d get their land back and have the Jews money as a bonus. It was only after the Jews failed to cooperate with the extermination plan that the Muslims decided the Jews “stole” their property, when in fact they sold it under false pretense.

    DaveGinOly in reply to randian. | November 10, 2015 at 12:59 am

    Absolutely correct. The Palestinian “refugees” are probably the only refugees in history who left their homes so that someone else could kill their neighbors.

    And you know who we don’t hear about? The 840,000 Jews who were expelled from the Arab nations (and whose property was confiscated) following the ’47 war. Why don’t we hear about them? Because Israel took in all who wanted to become Israelis, and the rest resettled elsewhere. Israel had no interest in exploiting them a poster children for the advancement of Zionism.