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2020 Presidential Election Tag

On Sunday, we noted that "One-term Rep. and Radio Host Joe Walsh Announces Primary Challenge to Trump." It seems that Walsh may soon be a "former" radio host. In an interview with CNN on Monday, Walsh stated he lost his radio show. He also implied it happened as a result of his #NeverTrump primary challenge to President Trump, who is very popular with Walsh's radio listeners.

Former South Carolina Governor and US House Rep. Mark Sanford announced he will make a decision by Labor Day if he will launch a primary challenge against President Donald Trump in 2020. From CNN:
Sanford told CNN's Jake Tapper that he's been encouraged to run for president by people who "have said we need to have a conversation about what it means to be a Republican."

Elizabeth Warren definitely is surging. She took a campaign left for dead early in the year after the DNA debacle and her Native American problem, and turned it around on the back of rolling out aggressive plans every few days to keep herself in the news cycle. It took a while, but being the center of news coverage for months appears to be paying off.

I've written many times about "The Flight 93 Election," the September 5, 2016, article in the Claremont Review of Books, by Michael Anton, writing at the time under the pseudonym Publius Decius Mus. The thrust of the concept of the Flight 93 Election was that whatever Trump's faults, the alternative was definitively and certainly worse:

During the crowded Democrat presidential debate, preference was given first to Elizabeth Warren, who bombed her big opportunity and so shifted to Kamala Harris. Less popular candidates were given substantially less air time and were frequently iced out (see Delaney) and all but completely ignored. Both Andrew Yang and Marianne Williamson claim their mics were shut off unless they were called on, unlike other candidates whose mics were on throughout the entire debate.

President Donald Trump has raised $36 million since he announced his 2020 reelection campaign a week ago. From CNBC:
Trump’s seven-day haul is double the entire first-quarter fundraising total for Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont , whose $18 million led the field of two dozen Democratic presidential hopefuls.

If you thought the Mueller Report would cause Democrats to move on from trying to impeach Trump, you were severely mistaken. The Democrat Impeachment Train merely switched tracks. The first track, consuming two-and-one-half years, was Russia collusion. The Mueller report did derail that impeachment track, by finding no conspiracy with or coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians. In short, Mueller found no collusion, a non-legal term that comports to conspiracy or coordination.