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Warren Swipes at Hillary, Claims She’ll Best Trump on the Debate Stage

Warren Swipes at Hillary, Claims She’ll Best Trump on the Debate Stage

“I know how to fight and I know how to win. You don’t back down from a bully… Nobody’s getting behind me on a debate stage and doing a handsy thing. That’s not happening.”

Everything about this is hilarious — from Warren’s claims to Hillary’s recounting of her debates with Trump.

During a campaign event in Seattle, an audience member “called Trump a “bottom feeder” and asked Warren how she expects to beat him next year if his tactic is to play dirty,” reports Fox News.

“I know how to fight and I know how to win,” Warren replied. “You don’t back down from a bully… Nobody’s getting behind me on a debate stage and doing a handsy thing. That’s not happening.”

Warren was referring to a moment during a 2016 presidential debate in St. Louis when Trump hovered around Clinton on stage and lurked behind her while she answered questions.

“We were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled,” Clinton wrote in her book, “What Happened.”

I remember this a little differently, but ok:

Because Hillary’s debate performances were truly awful:

And I seriously doubt Sen. Over-the-top Anecdote Warren would do much better against Trump.


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“Nobody’s getting behind me on a debate stage and doing a handsy thing. That’s not happening.”

“Warren was referring to a moment during a 2016 presidential debate in St. Louis when Trump hovered around Clinton on stage and lurked behind her while she answered questions.

“We were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled,” Clinton wrote in her book, “What Happened.”

Oboy, I remember it differently, too.

DJT was standing still, and HRC wandered around in front of him. Somebody got a picture of this, and pretended that DJT was “looming.”

And, no, nobody every claimed he touched her during the debate.

The puzzling thing about Warren is that she is even worse at lying than Hillary.

    Barry in reply to Valerie. | August 27, 2019 at 1:15 pm

    Correct, of course. It’s all made up, just like they make up the racist stuff about Trump.

    They are all liars.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Barry. | August 27, 2019 at 3:52 pm

      Hillary lies about everything, so no surprise about her
      “Book of Lies.”

      In Arkansas, when Bill Clinton was first running and won the governorship there, the entire state soon knew all about Hillary and what she was.

      It’s true what they say, only their hair dressers know,
      but many hair dressers have BIG MOUTHS!

    She’ll come off as a shrieking a-hole, instead of a ‘tough guy. She’s probably practicing this ‘move’ now in focus groups.

      El Cid defender of the Faith in reply to | August 27, 2019 at 3:30 pm

      Trump cannot be beaten at the ‘TV personality’ game.

      Warren would come off as a shrieking, self-righteous liar to anyone who is remotely objective. What has she ever achieved?

      To the Deranged crowd, they will see Trump as a racist, misogynist aggressor no matter what he says or does. It would be refreshing if he refrained from attacks and focused on his achievements which are many.

      Warren’s entire ‘appeal’ is that she is no Mr. Trump.

Colonel Travis | August 27, 2019 at 1:11 pm

I know how to fight and I know how to win

If by “fight” you mean “lie for decades about being a Cherokee” and by “win” you mean “advance my career based on that lie”, sure.

“don’t back down from a bully”

Oh, dear. Circle the wagons.

Warren may be the only one more nuts than Biden. And they are all crazy.

When Biden is the best you have, you have nothing.

All that and the commies could run a squirrel and get 45% of the vote. Scary.

    Biden has been shown to be a doddering fool. Looking back on his past behavior, this seems to have nothing to do with age.

    In other words, biden’s making a fool of himself now gives great insight into the biden who stood by a traitor for 8 years, and why biden would so betray his country – which is why obama is panicking about biden showing himself for who he is.

Why don’t they just have a Dance off?

2smartforlibs | August 27, 2019 at 1:27 pm

confidence is one thing delusion is another FAUXCAHONTAS.

Trump will crush her like a bug.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to UJ. | August 27, 2019 at 3:46 pm

    Like the Bed Bugs at the New York Times……

    drednicolson in reply to UJ. | August 27, 2019 at 5:30 pm

    And won’t even need to out and out attack her to do it. Just refer to all the factual and publically available information concerning her political career to date and invite the voters to reach their own conclusions.

Fred Snodgrass was a banker and politician who died in 1974. The NY Times obituary was headlined “Fred Snodgrass, 86, Dead; Ball Player Muffed 1912 Fly.” If Senator Warren lives another 50 years, her obituary will refer to “Pocahontas.” Some things just stick.

Think of the fun in a campaign. Trump comes out on stage with a large headdress & says “1024 feathers in here, count ’em. How many do have? One?”

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to RRRR. | August 27, 2019 at 3:46 pm

    And that one would have to be “South American” if it was even one….

    …..since native American tribes of North America have forbidden (made it illegal?) for their members to donate DNA to those genetic banks.

Everyone sees Elizabeth Warren as a B-grade Hillary Clinton, right?

“But many Native advocates, myself included, were not satisfied. Warren still has work to do, and demanding she do what’s left is beyond reasonable. In all of her apologizing, Warren has never let go of her family story. After spending her entire adult life repeating a lie, I simply want Warren to tell the truth.

In 1836, Warren’s great-great-great-grandfather, a white man named William Marsh, enlisted himself in a Tennessee militia to fight in the “Cherokee War,” an occupation of Cherokee land in the lead-up to the Trail of Tears. Decades later, his grandson John Houston Crawford moved his family onto Indian Territory and squatted on Cherokee land in a move that, with no record of a permit, was almost certainly illegal.

The Crawfords settled in the new state of Oklahoma. They lived among Indians, but it wasn’t always peaceful. In 1906, John Crawford shot a Creek man for hitting his son. ”

— Rebecca Nagle

Warren needs to apologize for lying about being an Indian and return the salary she made as a result of her lie.

Pocahontas has gotten remarkably far this time around –
underestimate the stupidity of the great unwashed at one’s own peril.

The debates were rigged. And for the first time since Reagan, a GOP candidate unrigged them via verbal sparring.

“I know how to fight and I know how to win“

Winning one election as a Democrat in Massachusetts is not that impressive.

Yeah, I think we saw that demonstrated with the whole Indian thing. You showed Trump!

The handsy thing? Maybe she thinks Trump might give her bunny ears.

Apparently her memory was restored by watching SNL reruns.

Screeching Squaw screams again.

    CDR D in reply to faboutlaws. | August 27, 2019 at 5:50 pm

    Princess Shaky-Fist-Shrieking-Crow…

    As for the Hildebeast and her phony debate account, she profited big from that Senatorial debate with Rick Lazio when he simply walked over to her lectern and asked her to look at some paper. The press went nuts, claiming Lazio was trying to intimidate the poor widdle Hillary. She evidently thinks she can get sympathy whenever someone faces her down. She is a world class BITCH.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | August 27, 2019 at 3:41 pm

Lizzie: ““I know how to cheat and I know how to steal. I won’t back down from being a fraud of the worst sort in history….”

FIFY Lizzie.

This reminds me about how much I came to admire Trump during the 2016 general election campaign.

Warren has energy and seems to learn from her mistakes. However, I do not think Trump would be unprepared should the Democrats select her to be their candidate in 2020.

rustyshamrock | August 27, 2019 at 5:43 pm

The handsy thing? I think she’s got Trump confused with Biden.

I would like to take this moment to personally implore Warren to take Ilhan Omar as her running mate.

I can’t imagine a worse fate than being forced to listen to Bitchy Liz, whine and lie on a national stage.

Seriously, Princess Full of Bull, settle down and have another beer. You’re gonna need it… Trump will destroy you in each and every debate.

When people see more Warren in action, they will think Hillary is sweet and lovable. She. will remind them of the nasty old-maid school teacher who made their lives miserable. In addition, she is a faker and fraud. Years ago while still at Harvard she wrote. a papthe er for the Harvard alumni magazine purporting to show that the middle class was worse of in real terms than thirty years earlier. In my rebuttal, I showed–usingh her own data–that reason was that
the middle-class people were paying a much higher percentage of their income in taxes.
In other words, if one was paying the same percentage of one’s income in taxes as thirty years before he would be substantially better.

Maybe she should brandish that scrawny old lady fist again. And make a face, real fierce.