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2020 Presidential Election Tag

There has been a ton of speculation about who Joe Biden will choose as a running mate. He narrowed it down a bit during the last Democratic debate by plainly stating that he would choose a woman. Since then, most people agreed that the short list included four people.

Events are moving quickly, converging on the subterfuge and subversion by Team Obama. Team Obama was behind the Flynn set up. Obama was in on it, and so were others. How deep Obama's own hands go into the spying on the Trump transition remains to be seen, but Obama's staged "leak" criticizing DOJ is a tell.

On Wednesday, Mike LaChance wrote a post at Legal Insurrection discussing the shocking letter to the NY Times written by long-time journalist Martin Tolchin saying that Tara Reade's accusations against Joe Biden should not be investigated:  “I don’t want justice, whatever that may be. I want a win, the removal of Donald Trump from office, and Mr. Biden is our best chance.” As extreme as the letter is, I believe there's a tactical method in Tolchin's madness, and a reason the Times published it.

Megyn Kelly released on YouTube a 42-minute interview with Tara Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault in 1993. While Team Biden has gone after Reade for inconsistencies in her story over time, there also have been corroborating witnesses and documents that show she told others about the assault, or at least problems with Biden, at the time and in the early years after that.

We know that an enormous amount of time, energy, and money are being funneled into a massive array of leftist groups with the sole purpose being to take down President Trump and/or to ensure he loses in November. One of the more troubling such efforts being reported involves software allegedly funded by the U.S. taxpayer to track and defeat ISIS.  This software is being used by a Democrat group to ensure Trump's coronavirus messaging gets disappeared and/or refuted by paid "influencers" online.

Joe Biden doesn't want people going through his Senate archives housed at the University of Delaware before the 2020 general election. Biden struck a deal that would keep the archives hidden from the public until two years after Biden leaves public life. But with the sexual assault allegation from Tara Reade, those archives have come into focus.