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2020 Democratic Primary Tag

Hundreds of Native Americans recently demanded Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) renounce any claim to Native American ancestry and admit that her family lore stories were false. This led Fox News anchor Bret Baier to ask 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar (MN), during her town hall appearance on Fox News, if Warren should do drop those claims.

For months now, Joe Biden and his surrogates have been talking about South Carolina. Joe did poorly in Iowa and New Hampshire, then placed second in Nevada, but South Carolina is his so-called firewall. This is where he is going to win big.

Democrat and #NeverTrump pundits have been unleashing oceans of ink trying to get another Democrat to take down socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). They at least want to get him to moderate his crazy commie worldview and to downplay his disastrous plans for our great nation.  If he doesn't, they justifiably fear, he will lose to Trump. And for them, beating Trump is all that matters.

In his Nevada caucus victory speech, Bernie Sanders rattled off -- before an ecstatic crowd of college-age supporters -- a laundry list of promises: Free public higher education, cancellation of all student loan debt, universal free healthcare, universal "affordable" childcare, minimum $60k per year teacher salaries, and a nationwide $15 per hour minimum wage, among other things. And not just for citizens, but for the "undocumented" as well.