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2020 Democratic Primary Tag

Arizona, Florida, Illinois, and Ohio vote on Tuesday. Florida is the big trophy due to the delegates. It has 248 delegates with 219 of them being pledged delegates. After stomping Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) two weeks in a row it looks like former Vice President Joe Biden will once again claim victory in a top delegate state.

Tuesday, Biden got into a shouting match with an auto worker at a plant in Detroit. The worker confronted Biden about his gun confiscation rhetoric. It did not go well. Biden told the worker he was "full of shit," shushed a female staffer, said he was going to slap the guy, pretended the second amendment was for hunting, and talked about AR-14s.

Former Vice President Joe Biden wins Michigan and its 125 pledged delegates. The Associated Press, Fox News, and CNN called the state for Biden. While Michigan said it may not have official results until Wednesday, Biden has a huge lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Six states will vote in primaries on Tuesday, but people have concentrated on Michigan. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) barely beat failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the state in 2016. Then President Donald Trump beat her in Michigan in the presidential election. It looks like Sanders may lose Michigan on Tuesday since former Vice President Joe Biden holds a 24 point lead.

With each passing day, more and more videos capture Joe Biden on the campaign trail making what are more than the gaffes for which he is famous. Biden forgets or struggles to remember names, events and people as he speaks, and jumbles words. Biden should not be laughed at for this. My overwhelming feeling for Joe is one of sadness, that he was pushed into something for which he is not prepared. And it's only going to get worse.

New York Times editor Mara Gay and MSNBC's Brian Williams showed off their superior math skills last night on The 11th Hour. Mekita Rivers, a writer at Glamour and The Washington Post, posted that Michael Bloomberg could have used the $500 million he spent on ads on the American people. She said he could have given everyone $1 million and have money to spare.

I don't have many trigger words, but after today, I am adding sexism and misogyny. That is why Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) had to drop out of the presidential race, right? Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi believes there is an "element of misogyny" in presidential races that keeps females from obtaining the Oval Office.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) picked up a delegate in American Samoa on Super Tuesday. This technically qualifies her to participate in the next Democratic debate in Phoenix. Arizona on March 15th. Will the DNC allow her to participate?