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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Over the course of the last several days, a public feud has erupted between Elizabeth Warren's and Bernie Sanders' respective presidential campaigns as we draw ever closer to the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, which take place on Feb. 3rd. Since before either of their campaigns officially began, both Warren and Sanders made an off-the-record pact not to attack each other as they ran for president out of respect for their collegial working relationship in the U.S. Senate and similar political philosophies.


Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a rally in San Antonio, TX, with Judge Judy. However, despite spamming every commercial break over the weekend, only 45 people attended the rally.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appeared Sunday on ABC's This Week, and she left the door open for further articles of impeachment. She's also still clinging to the fantasy that the American public will get on board with her partisan impeachment clown show.

Anti-regime protests have reignited in Iran's capital Tehran and elsewhere in the country after the regime admitted shooting down a civilian Ukrainian airliner, killing all 176 Iranian and foreign passengers on board. The epicenter of the protests was Tehran's two main universities. Several Iranian university students were among those were killed in the incident.

Apparently it's not just Democrat operatives and insiders who are sounding the alarm over a potential nomination of socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) or Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). Both are so far out of the mainstream, even among Democrats, that over a dozen House Democrats in swing states are reportedly rallying behind former vice president Joe Biden (D-DE).