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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Europe witnessed a wave of anti-lockdown protests on Saturday. Germany saw a huge surge in demonstrations. Thousands came out in Berlin, Munich, and Stuttgart against the measures imposed in the wake of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Police used tear gas to disperse protesters in Warsaw, Poland and arrests were made in London's Hyde park, the European media reported.

In 2016, Democrats used the myth of Russia meddling to explain away their stunning loss. In 2020, there may be some actual attempts at meddling, but it won't be coming from Russia. The Chinese Communist Party is not happy about being blamed for the Coronavirus pandemic, and that blame is only coming from Republicans.

HoganWillig is a multi-office law firm in western New York State. Among its practice areas is real estate closings, which enabled it to obtain designation from the state as an "essential" business even under Andrew Cuomo's coronavirus lockdown orders. The firm also has gained expertise in advising businesses how to weather the coronavirus regulatory storm, and now finds itself in the center of one of those storms as the New York Attorney General's Office has been threatening the firm over its continued real estate operations, claiming the firm was not complying with Cuomo's Orders. The firm is fighting back with a federal court lawsuit.

There was a time in the long ago past that we did Open Threads. Basically opening the floor to whatever you wanted to talk about in the comment section. I have a lot of topics on my plate, but every now and then you need to stop and pause.