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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Adrianna San Marco is a conservative student journalist who has been attending Syracuse University. Back in June, she was fired by the school's student newspaper for writing a piece that suggested institutional racism is a myth. Since then, she has been targeted with threats of violence, even death threats, from fellow students. Her pleas to campus administrators have gone largely ignored, so she has decided not to return in the fall.


Here at LI, we have long covered the Marxist takeover of college education and its devolution into the crazed, self-righteous cancel culture cult that has taken over the leftstream media, Hollywood, and major corporations.  Campus culture has become American culture in many disturbing and alarming ways, and as Andrew Breitbart famously noted "politics is downstream from culture."

The Associated Press decided last month to capitalize the word "Black" when writing about race and culture. On Monday, the AP chose not to capitalize the word "white" because "white people in general have much less shared history and culture, and don’t have the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color."

Last week, several mainstream media journalists ran with an out-of-context quote from White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. At first glance, it made it look like she was saying President Trump was willing to ignore science to get kids to return to public school classrooms in the fall. To quickly recap, here's an example courtesy of CNN's Jim Acosta of what many reporters posted to their Twitter feeds shortly after the Thursday press briefing:

I learned something new today. For decades leading symphony orchestras have used "blind auditions" to hire musicians. That is, the musicians are not seen at all, only their music is heard. That way, implicit or explicit racial, ethnic, or gender bias cannot enter into the hiring decision, only the quality of the music. It is as close to a pure meritocracy as I can imagine.

Trader Joe's is one of those quirky, fun kind of stores that has seen enormous success in part because of its lighthearted quirkiness.  Light-heartedness, really anything remotely resembling humor, is in the process of being rooted out and banned by the cancel culture scolds, so of course, they came for Trader Joe's.