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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


On September 2, President Donald Trump directed his administration to investigate New York City, Portland, Seattle, and Washington, DC, to see if they should pull federal money due to the violence and destruction. The Department of Justice announced this morning it has designated New York City, Portland, and Seattle "as jurisdictions permitting violence and destruction of property."


Trump says he's nominating a woman to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And he's doing it this week. So we're holding an 'emergency' reader poll. Vote soon, since the decision could come any day. The poll will be open until Trump announces his pick.

It's been obvious for months now that Joe Biden uses a teleprompter—and not just for speeches. He uses it during what are supposed to be unscripted interviews with reporters and when answering questions from high-profile Democrats and voters in the middle of virtual events like fundraisers and campaign-driven town halls.

American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)—one of the most radical and controversial anti-Israel groups in the United States —spent this past week training anti-Israel activists to send them into lobbying meetings with members of Congress. Among AMP's partners in this effort were the anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace, UNRWA-USA, and even the NAACP.