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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The Washington Post has a lengthy feature piece on Rick Perry's attempt to reform state-funded higher education in Texas, Rick Perry wages an assault on state's university establishment. The article clearly was intended to portray Perry as meddling in academic freedom by suggesting cost and performance analyses...


Taxpayers are footing the bill for Obama's bus tour of battleground states in the MidWest because Obama  is claiming it is official business and not a campaign tour (via Drudge via CNS). So not only all your thoughts, but all your money are belong to him....

Because you are going to see an attempt by Team Obama and its friends in the media to blame the sluggish economy and paltry job growth on the Republican refusal to give Obama a clean debt ceiling increase. And it already has started, with Paul Krugman...

Among the stories I neglected because of the focus on the debt ceiling debate is the continuing slide of Turkey, once a secular pro-Western country which also maintained good relations with Israel. As I have noted since January 2009, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has...

From Obama's Birthday fundraising bash in Chicago tonight, via RCP (h/t @Allahpundit)(emphasis mine): "It's been a long, tough journey. But we have made some incredible strides together. Yes, we have. But the thing that we all ought to remember is that as much as good as...

An article titled With Debt Deal in Hand, When Does Geithner Quit? prompted this response from self-described liberal Prof. Dan Kennedy of Northeastern Univ. in Boston: ...

I find this interesting, considering that Hatch is facing a likely challenge from Jason Chaffetz, who is gaining in the polls. I like Hatch, although I'll readily admit I have followed him mostly as relates to judicial appointments, where he fought the good fight on Clarence...

On August 9 the key recall elections against six Republican State Senators will take place. I have not focused enough on this lately, with the all consuming debt ceiling fight taking time.  But Wisconsin is critically important. Before I forget, you can donate to help defend the...

I previously noted that while Obama had a strong second quarter fundraising, the effort focused on two gimmicks -- getting big donors to max out early and running up "small donor" numbers through a cheesy $5 $3 dinner raffle. Now it appears that the fundraising is...

The debt deal "trigger" requires that one-half of the budget cuts come from the military if the "super committee" cannot reach agreement or if the Congress fails to pass the super committees proposal. The concept was that fear of military cuts would force Republicans to strike...

Okay, yesterday, but the point is the same. Thanks to SoccerDad for the link to this tweet by James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal: ...

One of the great unwritten stories of the damage to the economy from team Obama is the relentless attempt to regulate areas that have not previously been regulated. The health care mandate received a lot of attention and breaks new ground, but there are countless other...

Some more on where we stand in the wake of the debt deal. Jeffrey Lord has a piece in The American Spectator which is getting a lot of play, Tipping Point: Thanks to the Tea Party movement, Conservatism is on the verge of a major victory that...

I was most interested in the discussion (starting around 3:15) about whether the debt deal was a victory: Watch the latest video at

Roger Cohen of The NY Times and other journalists were smitten with the Egyptian revolution, and denounced warnings of what lurked below the surface: (February 3, 2011)  Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran 1979, a revolution for...