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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Supposedly the bill will come to a vote tonight in the House, and Harry Reid plans to kill it soon after. Why doesn't the House just wait until the morning to move it over to the Senate (help here, can the House sit on it overnight...


The latest talking point on the left is that Speaker Boehner’s plan to raise the debt ceiling by $1 trillion with a roughly equitable amount of cuts is a “temporary,” “short term,” or a “band-aid” solution and, while the bill may not even reach the...

Couldn't resist the post title. Via L.A. Times: San Francisco residents will not be voting in November on whether to prohibit circumcision after all, according to a tentative ruling by a Superior Court judge made public Wednesday. Judge Loretta M. Giorgi ordered the city’s director of elections to...

Yesterday @JazzShaw walked away with the Debt Ceiling Tweet of the Day, and the challenge to @Iowahawkblog to "man up" was left unanswered. But today Iowahawk takes the prize (even though the day is young): ...

Is Al Sharpton too in the tank for Obama to be appropriate even for MSNBC?  Glenn Greenwald, who, like a stopped clock, is correct on rare occasions, notes: I assumed it was hyperbole -- until I watched the video and read the transcript of the Sharpton interview.  The 60 Minutes segment was...

I posted a few weeks ago about the status of redistricting in various states, and how Republicans at the state level were using their power wisely to solidify the current hold on power in the House by creating a greater number of safe seats rather than...

Making points similar to what I have made, this is not the last round.  The Boehner bill for all its flaws puts the runners on base with another batter up in a few months. The Boehner bill, assuming it passes the House today, likely will be rejected...

Thanks to reader Randy who writes: No doubt where this guy stands. Just spotted in the Herndon/Reston area of northern VA, just outside a medical facility.   ...

I knew this was coming.  It only was a matter of time. During a Great American Panel on Hannity tonight John Fund and Hannity were hammering the point that Obama doesn't know how to negotiate in good faith.  One of them mentioned Donald Trump's criticism that...

Not often that I praise Jane Hamsher, but she is right that S&P improperly has injected itself into the political process: Standard and Poors is evidently meeting with high-stakes gamblers and letting them know where to place their bets as they manipulate the global economy. But they...

It would be very hard to call Mike Pence a RINO or a sellout, so when he says to take the Boehner plan seriously, I think it's worth a listen: Remember, it's the end game that matters....

The day is young, but I think this one by Jazz Shaw is going to be hard to top: Looks like it's time for @iowahawkblog to man up....

Mitch McConnell had it right a couple of weeks ago when he made the following statement: A “real solution” to U.S. fiscal problems isn’t possible as long as President Barack Obama remains in office, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday, heightening the rhetoric surrounding the...

Wait? He hasn't waited, you say, he's declared and raising more money than anyone else.  He's simply playing the role of presumptive nominee, which explains his seemingly low-key public strategy.  Let other lesser contenders gain TV face time for now, the primaries are a long way off. But as reported...

I guess. Thanks to reader Cat who sent this photo and message: Not political but funny--turnabout is fair play I suppose?  Instead of nekkid lady mudflaps we get nekkid trucker on minivan!!! ...

This actually is good news.  It gives Boehner a chance to reconfigure his plan to give confidence that there really will be $1.2 trillion in cuts. Via National Journal, the CBO scored the plan as written at only $850 billion in savings: House Speaker John Boehner’s debt-ceiling...