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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



I don't pretend to understand the internal politics behind the Iowa Ames straw poll, but I do understand the public perception. Ames, like almost every "straw poll," is about expectations and spin, trying to give momentum to candidates who need it, or crush candidate before they...

My Hydrangea Aspera Robusta is in bloom.  It is a strange looking beast. Planted several years ago at the same time as the Oak Leaf:  ...

Dear Rahm, Governor Christie has a right to get testy when questioned on his family's decision to send their children to parochial school because he's working to give all children the opportunity to get a great education, be it in a public school or elsewhere. You,...

Here is your overnight debt bomb defusing news: Sam Stein at HuffPo says Boehner's going to call Obama's bluff on a short term extension:  "The Ohio Republican, in a briefing with his conference on Saturday, announced that he would press for a short-term deal, with major spending...

My first reaction when I saw this was, Holy - - - - ! Thanks to reader Paul who took this photo in the parking lot of a golf course in Massachusetts yesterday. ...

That's Rick Perry's position on the NY same-sex marriage law: Perry, who is considering running for president, at a forum in Colorado on Friday called himself an “unapologetic social conservative” and said he opposes gay marriage — but that he’s also a firm believer in the...

Via AP:  Gunmen on motorcycles assassinated an Iranian nuclear physicist on Saturday, Iranian media reports said, in a killing that bore similarities to other slayings of scientists involved in the country's nuclear work in recent years. The semi-official ISNA news agency identified the victim as Darioush Rezaei,...

A recent United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) report on Arab contributions to science has declared Moses ben Maimon (also known as Maimonides or Rambam), generally considered the greatest of medieval Jewish philosophers and theologians (and incidentally, among the most prominent physicians of...

John Podhoretz notes that Obama is trying to talk the markets into a panic as part of Obama's political strategy (emphasis mine): An enraged Barack Obama just took to the nation’s airwaves to announce his effort to strike a deal with Republican Speaker of the House...

The Norwegian car bombing and almost simultaneous shooting had all the hallmarks of an al-Qaeda operation.  As the first reports emerged, I suggested a wait and see approach. With the initial claim of responsibility from a known al-Qaeda group, the narrative seemed set and not particularly surprising;...

John Boehner has given up, for now, trying to negotiate a debt deal with Obama because Obama is insisting on a tax increase as part of any deal: "In the end, we couldn't connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for our...

Consider me a fan of Norway.  I traveled there extensively in my youth, and still have friends there.  It is a beautiful country, with a traditionally pro-American foreign policy.  It saddens me to see Norway have its version of the London bus bombings. Former congressional candidate...

Please do not pull out your hair when you watch this video, via The Boston Herald. As I have said before, this guy is an unusually good Bill Clinton. The debt has increased dramatically on his watch and that is a threat to our credit...