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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I guess this is the day for anecdotes. First, the friend who texted "Omg!" after seeing 2016 Obama's America. Then, the carpet cleaning guy today who called this photo to our attention when told about this blog: (Background on the sign here and just about everywhere.) I spoke with...


One of our closest friends in Rhode Island, someone we adore, someone not prone to hyperbole, a Northeast Republican, bless her heart, someone who never texts me ...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Freedom’s Battle . ...

We all remembered this weekend the moon landing, upon news of Neil Armstrong's death. What we didn't focus on is what would have happened if Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were stranded. Rush just read this speech written by William Safire for Richard Nixon in the event the...

I’ve written before about the race for North Carolina’s 7th Congressional District between Democrat incumbent, Mike McIntyre, and Republican challenger, State Senator David Rouzer (donate). This tight race in the swing state of North Carolina has been added to the Operation Counterweight final list and in response, Senator...

From reader Brian: Seen at a stop light on Route 50, Maryland eastern shore. A bit of birtherisim but I like the drill sticker. Love the blog Professor. I don't think they're questioning his birthplace, I think they're saying it's undocumented that he actually works. Add up the golf days...

Everyone pretty much wrote off Maine when former Governor Angus King announced he would run as an independent for the seat vacated by Olympia Snowe.  Everyone understood that King's independence notwithstanding, he would caucus with Democrats. King was far ahead in the polls, and then a funny...

Thanks to Windbag in the Tip Line for the link to this music video by the group The Voters. Why hasn't this video gone viral?  It only has 9800 views on YouTube. Spread the link via the share function on the YouTube page, or spread this post via the Twitter...

Can I call 'em or what? As news broke that a possible hurricane might disrupt the Republican National Convention, I predicted that Democrats would become religious quickly. Not religious in terms of religion, but in terms of proclaiming that God was on their side for disrupting the...

A photo of Obama's head hidden behind a teleprompter screen made news last week. Friend of the blog, frequent PhotoShop artist, and photographer Patricia put her own impression on the image: Patricia has been a little under the weather lately, and we look forward to her recovery and future...

Is anyone surprised?  Crist's only chance at rehabilitating a political career is a senior position in the second Obama administration. Crist has an Op-Ed in the Tampa Bay Times (via DaTechGuy) today explaining his treachery: As America prepares to pick our president for the next four years —...

College Insurrection already is suspected of being the recipient of secret funding. If only it were true. Story over at CI, SUNY Prof wonders who funds College Insurrection....

I have been sent many photos along the "Does this ass ...

We are constantly told that we portray Barack Obama as The Other because of his race. Actually, no. We don't portray Obama as The Other. We portray him as what he is not what he pretends to be, and none of what he is or pretends...

Those of us of a certain age have the memories. I was 10 years old at sleep away camp.  I remember them bringing us into the rec hall to watch on the black and white televisions.  I can't tell you whether it was live or a...