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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The Shark Tank reports that Debbie Wasserman Shultz has never before disclosed that she owns a second home and land in New Hampshire, under the name Debbie Schultz: According to public records, we’ve learned that Wasserman Schultz owns a second home here along with another land parcel....


Romney finally hit his stride at a speech today in Pennsylvania. And all President Obama had to do was attack the very nature of our governing philosophy and the hard work and ingenuity of the American people. It's well worth watching this clip, especially at the 3:44...

The comment section has become ugly lately particularly as regards posts regarding the Zimmerman case. You all know who you are. I hate having to do this, but anyone who engages in personal attacks on other commenters or tries to publish personal information about other commenters will...

Senator John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his VP in 2008 because she was a "better candidate" than Romney, Pawlenty, or any of the others under consideration. McCain made the remarks Tuesday after being asked if Mitt Romney's tax returns were the cause of him choosing...

that both the Bain and tax return issues were entirely predictable and in fact predicted. No sense piling on, but remaining silent might be worse. Defenses of Bain which worked in the primaries -- you hate capitalism -- don't necessarily work in the general.  Show why Bain...

A freedom of information request revealed several incidents of major ethical breaches at the Department of Treasury, involving the solicitation of prostitutes using a government resources as well conflict of interest concerns. This is the latest in a string of embarrassments and scandals for the Obama...

From reader Peter: I saw your latest “Fakes” post and decided to share – I was visiting my 83 year old mom who lives on Chappaquiddick Island (part of Martha’s Vineyard) just last week.  It’s a lovely place and certainly is a playground of the rich, but...

After all, he asked for it. In a recent campaign appearance in Virginia, the President remarked: Ultimately, I think, Mr. Romney is going to have to answer those questions because if he aspires to being president, one of the things you learn is you're ultimately responsible...

Elizabeth Warren has developed a story line to counter questions about her claims to Native American, minority, and woman of color status based upon family lore that has no documentary support. But only when you compare her recent response during a livechat with her own...