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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Even The Boston Globe has come out against the bullying of Chick-fil-A by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino because of the position of Chick-fil-A's President and his father (the founder) on marriage: The president of Chick-fil-A opposes gay marriage. While this view goes against the grain in a...

From reader Trey: Longtime reader. I really appreciate your continued efforts in support of conservative causes. I spotted this vehicle while on vacation in Key West the week of July 4. ...

This was almost the best day in the existence of those Obama supporters who dream every night about what they can do the next day to tag Mitt Romney as racist. They almost got what they wanted today, or so they thought, because The Telegraph newspaper...

A really good political cartoon sums up the absurdity of a situation without much verbiage. This cartoon by A.F. Branco (original here, reprinted with permission) captures perfectly how out of touch Obama is when discussing the role of government in helping individuals succeed. Sure, taxes (including from business...

First it was the Mayor of Boston who announced his intention to block business permits for Chick-fil-A not because there is any evidence that it discriminates in employment or services, but because its founder and his son (now the President) support keeping the definition of marriage as one man -...

The moment I heard Obama's "you didn't build that" speech, I knew Obama had dug himself a deep hole from which he would have to spend considerable time climbing out of. Via Zeek Miller at BuzzFeed Politics, the Obama campaign and Democrats understand how bad the...

The question which has not been asked yet by the media, but needs to be. Elizabeth Warren has no documentation that she is Cherokee, Delaware or any other Native American tribe.  The initial claim that Warren was 1/32 Cherokee was withdrawn by the New England Historic Genealogical...

I understand, from a far distance, that the anti-Ted Cruz ads have been pretty brutal.  This report by National Journal, Four Signs of Cruz-mentum, indicates the last few days will be the worst yet: Dewhurst's Allies Are Throwing The Kitchen Sink At Cruz: The main super...

Obama gets golf brand named after him (h/t Ragspierre in Tip Line) Greatest billboard ever? (via MikeAT in Tip Line) Some polling links from Charles: U.S. Chamber Poll: GOP’s Lingle Ahead in Hawaii Senate Race [was wondering if a chance, maybe] DCCC IE Backs John Barrow and Jim Matheson [these...

Yesterday I pointed out the lemonade stand image near the end of Scott Brown's "Let America Be America Again" video, with the suggestion the Romney and Brown campaigns run the image with the following parody quote of Obama and Elizabeth Warren: You own a lemonade stand, kid, good...

Will Dems manage to stall inquiries into the leak of classified information on sensitive intel operations until November 7? Of all people, Dianne Feinstein is pointing fingers at the White House, via AP: The Democratic leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Monday that  the White House...