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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Alternative headline:  "Supporter of fake Indian ranch supports fake Indian." From reader @Coondawg68 who e-mailed this on Friday: Warren supporter bumper sticker irony Spotted at a Quincy MA parking lot yesterday. ...


We need to start going there.  Nothing is off limits anymore. Via Mediaite: “They really don’t want to talk about the economy now, do they?” Eric Bolling asked, before handing it off to Greg Gutfeld, who seemed somewhat amused by the whole thing amusing consider Obama is...

I wish I could tell you that this is a funny parody movie, but I cannot. This movie is 100% real. The best line from the trailer? -Q.What do you do when you fall off the path and you want to get back on? -A. You just keep...

Elizabeth Warren cannot escape the public's questions about her claims to Native American ancestry. A live chat today demonstrates how deeply the issue has permeated the campaign dialogue. On the local Massachusetts community news website,, Elizabeth Warren participated in a live chat where the site invited readers to ask...

It probably will not stop those who want to portray the case as racial from continuing to make claims of racial motivation in the shooting of Trayvon Martin, but the FBI has confirmed that there is no substantial evidence that George Zimmerman was racist. Via Orlando...

Obama's new campaign talking point is to compare Mitt Romney to Richard Nixon in terms of secrecy. The Board of Editors of The San Francisco Chronicle already has weighed in on the Nixonian quality of one of the presidential candidates: The Obama White House's restrictions on media...

He is what he's always been. He's not a nice guy who's in over his head. He always has campaigned by finding enemies and demonizing people.  It was the essence of his campaign in 2008, but at least he could cover it with words like hope and...

From reader Pam: Hi - I am a longtime reader who has never contributed, but I love the blog - especially the bumper sticker category. I just had to send this picture of an acquaintance's car - not surprisingly, the owner is from lower Fairfield County, CT...

I think today has been clarifying.  Whatever pretense of civility existed in the Obama campaign is gone. It's okay, perfectly okay with the President for his campaign staff to call Mitt Romney a liar and potential criminal: "No," Obama press secretary Ben LaBolt said in response to a...

Black newspaper publishers expressed anger and frustration at President Obama's failure to reach out to them at a recent panel at the National Newspaper Publishers Association convention. The Chicago Crusader reports:  “We don’t think the president has ever spoken to us. He’s spoken to the Latino community...

New polling data released today by independent Public Policy Polling shows Ted Cruz leading Lt. Governor David Dewhurst in the Republican runoff for Senate in Texas. The numbers are the first released by a third-party pollster: Cruz's lead expands to a whooping 59-36 margin over Dewhurst...

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh released his report on sexual abuse at Penn State, and it was scathing.  Via State College: Louis Freeh, the former FBI director, left nothing to the imagination in his much-anticipated presentment Thursday morning. There was an effort made by the four most...

Sheila Jackson-Lee, Jan Schakowsky, and David Axelrod have all done an about-turn on merits of the term "Obamacare" after a recent decision to allow its use in "franked" U.S. government mail. Franking privileges, which allow mail to be sent from congressional offices as part of their...

At which point you say, "please don't give them any ideas." A second photo taken by Ryan on his drive outside Kansas City: The trailer is located on highway 71 south of Kansas City, MO. Some enterprising American decided to park a semi trailer in his field and...

Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., who has been noticeably absent from public life since June 10, has turned up at an Arizona rehab facility for alcohol abuse. In response to the report from Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC, his office has claimed he is being treated for a...