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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Just after the Benghazi attack on our consulate and the murder of four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, I explained in a post titled Lack of Intelligence Community why I blamed our nation’s intelligence apparatus and not the White House for this colossal failure. Now...

In response to the New York City subway attacks by Mona Eltahawy, the Egyptian-American activist, the Metropolitan Transit Authority has now determined that it will change its rules to prohibit any ads that it "reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate...

Ignorance? Apathy? Mediocrity? All of the above? In a video taken outside a Romney rally, one Obama supporter shares why he won't vote for Romney. Pay close attention, because this is what happens when nearly every mainstream media outlet in the country is in the tank...

Every time some prudish librarian or school board wants to ban books that they consider inappropriate for children, elites sniff at the rubes’ lack of sophistication and anti-intellectual bias.  As you’ll recall, during the 2008 election it became a big campaign issue that as mayor...

Starting with my post Elizabeth Warren’s law license problem last Monday and continuing through the week, I have laid out the facts and documents regarding Elizabeth Warren's practice of law from her Cambridge office over the course of a decade. I also have noted that Warren refuses...

Things you may have missed: Harvard Freshman Patronized by “Sensitivity Training” NYU Professors To Students – No laptop in class for you A Biochemist’s Argument Against  “Hooking-Up” Hugging is Out of Bounds at UNC? California Fires State’s “Professional Students” With a dash of irresponsibility thrown in: One Third of American Colleges are...

From reader Dac: From Raleigh, North Carolina. Local GOP is jazzed for the election! ...

I'm not sure this qualifies for the "Ever" award (I'm still partial to this), but it is a fantastic commercial. Fantastic. Fantastic, and I almost put another word before that. The Murphy response? To criticize West's military record involving the now famous incident when he zealously interrogated a hostile. Good...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

It seems that all anyone is talking about is polling showing Obama pulling ahead.  Some of the polling says a little, some says a lot at least in certain swing states, particularly Ohio. I understand and have listened to all of the explanation as to why...

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has been steadily ramping up their efforts in North Carolina to undermine Operation Counterweight member, David Rouzer. Throughout this election cycle, the incumbent, Mike McIntyre, has enjoyed a great deal of support from various Democrat PACs which have contributed more than...

Candidates for the 4th congressional district seat in Utah, Saratoga Springs Mayor Mia Love and Rep. Jim Matheson,  met last night in a debate. The race for this seat has been in the national spotlight, especially after Love's well received speech at the RNC. Love,...

They apparently have not heard of the free cell phone deal. From Richard in Portland, Oregon: Spray painted on the side of a railroad car isn't the same as a bumper sticker, but that also can explain the rather less than witty expression of opinion. ...

Boston talk radio continues to be the main vehicle for getting the word out to Massachusetts voters about Elizabeth Warren's attorney licensing issue. In addition to my appearances on the Michael Graham and Howie Carr (with substitute host) shows on Monday, I also did appearances...