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I am responding to Professor Jacobson’s recent post, The Tea Party tsunami at the gates. As the Media Director of SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC), San Diego’s original Tea Party group, I wanted to share my analysis that it won’t be a tsunami — it...

from Eureka Springs, Arkansas, to Hope. Arkansas. Yet if this shop owner is any indication, it’s a world away from the days of the Man from Hope. From reader MK Reagan, in August: Eureka Springs, AR is kind of a hippie town, but these T...

These scientists must be foot soldiers in the Rebublican War on Women, since they question the need for unfettered mammograms (and free! no co-pay!), Mammograms leading to unnecessary treatment, study finds: The routine use of mammograms has led to more than 1 million women being unnecessarily...

David Frum announced in November 2011 that Mitt Romney or John Huntsmann must be the nominee, or Frum might leave the GOP: Any other nominee would gravely test my commitment to the political party I’ve supported since I entered the United States as a college...

I was hoping for but not quite expecting this race to tighten in one of our Upstate NY Operation Counterweight races. Republican Matt Doheny was behind double digits in an early September poll, the last public poll in the District.  Now it is a virtual...

Everyone is waiting for October Surprises to be  unloaded on Romney. The Obama campaign and its supporters are desperate, and that desperation will reach a fevered pitch this weekend  if Obama doesn’t get a meaningful bounce out of last night’s debate.  Few are predicting he will....

Bruce Springsteen is all in for Obama again: If any doubt remained about how central the state of Ohio is to President Obama’s reelection campaign, the sight of Bruce Springsteen and former President Clinton on stage at Cuyahoga Community College on Thursday made it clear…....

Obama was much more animated, and I’m sure liberals on Twitter and elsewhere were happy much as during the Biden-Ryan debate. But I don’t think it helped Obama much. I’ll be interested to see the focus groups and polling. Obama got in some one liners,...

The much demonized kulaks (a/k/a the top 5%, 2%, 0r 1% depending upon the speech) were the first to rise up against Obama. Now the kulaks have been joined by the common peasantry, via NPR: As Mitt Romney and President Obama get ready for their second...

I will add to this, and embed videos when available, but here’s my quick take.  (Full video here) Very strong opening for Brown on fake Cherokee issue.  He didn’t handle it the way I would have, but he picked an issue — the release of...

I’m very pleased to welcome long-time reader and commenter (CassandraLite) Joel Engel as a contributor at Legal Insurrection. I’ve met Joel twice, and one thing led to another, and here we are. You may have noticed Joel’s first post earlier today, 2016 May Bring Good...

From reader Michele: My daughter (the passenger) took this picture while we sat in traffic on our way taking her back to college. The picture was taken as we were sitting in traffic going over the Tappan Zee Bridge in NY, on our way to...