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Author: Mary Chastain

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Mary Chastain

Mary is the resident libertarian. She covers stories in every vertical, but her favorite thing to do is take on the media. She saw its bias against the right when she was a socialist.

Mary loves the Chicago Cubs, Chicago Blackhawks, tennis, cats, Oxford comma, Diet Coke, and needlework.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a rally in San Antonio, TX, with Judge Judy. However, despite spamming every commercial break over the weekend, only 45 people attended the rally.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the Canadian government has information that Iran shot down the Ukrainian plane on Wednesday:
“We have intelligence from multiple sources including our allies and our own intelligence: the evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile,” he told reporters in Ottawa Thursday.

A U.S. official said that the Pentagon has a "high level of confidence" that Iran shot down the Ukrainian plane after takeoff in Tehran on Wednesday:
Investigators are trying to determine what downed the Ukraine International Airlines flight on Wednesday. The probe is expected to be particularly thorny, with heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran over the killing of a top Iranian general likely to complicate international cooperation.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said she will hold onto the articles of impeachment despite Senate Democrats pressuring her to hand them to the chamber:
“No, I’m not holding them indefinitely," Pelosi told reporters during a press conference at the Capitol. "I will turn them over when I’m ready, and that will probably be soon.”

House Armed Services Chairman Adam Smith (D-WA) broke with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on CNN's New Day over the articles of impeachment:
"I understand what the speaker is trying to do, basically trying to use the leverage of that to work with Democratic and Republican senators to try to get a reasonable trial, a trial that would actually show evidence, bring out witnesses," Smith told CNN. "But at the end of the day, just like we control it in the House, [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell controls it in the Senate."

President Donald Trump told the nation the Iran attacks on Iraqi military bases did not kill any American or Iraqi soldiers. He also noted that "Iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world."

Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro endorsed Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Monday a few days after he dropped out of the race. However, former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign told The Texas Tribune that he picked up 11 new endorsements from Texas. Nine of those people once supported Castro. Biden's campaign also said that he now has more support from those who backed Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

Former HUD secretary Julián Castro ended his presidential campaign a few days ago, but has shown no attempts to remain out of the limelight. Castro announced this morning he endorses Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) for president. He plans on campaigning for Warren starting this week in Brooklyn, NY.